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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. wow danny you've improved lots since the adamant I saw you on! Very smooth riding now and really cool sidehops too, doesn't look like you're straining too much on them Nice one!
  2. BUMP how's the tartybus coming? Ozzy my cars been filled again, sorry, you're gna have to walk.
  3. Its a lovely little setup and picture and all, but now that they've changed the redirect from K-124 website, its missing a very crucial bit of information.... The date! 28-29 March if anyone needs to know
  4. posting here because I cant find the drunk thread This is probably the latest I've stayed up EVER. Thank god I have no committments on saturdays
  5. Holy handlebar rise batman! only joking, Do like the look of the frame though, looks nice and short
  6. ok I think ive come up with a plan If I buy a legit ticket to the stop which is just down the road (Neath I think) I can use that to get through the barriers. Then on the train I can use the ticket to manchester beast
  7. My girlfriend came down to see me, and on the way back the ticket didnt get swallowed by the machine, so she posted it to me and I have it. Its unmarked, but it must have gone into the ticket machine at swansea station so she could get onto the platform to get her train home (LLandudno). So now Im going to leeds. Its valid until the 15th of February and I can get a train to manchester piccadilly which cunningly goes to LLandudno + Leeds. So I can use the ticket and say Im going to Llandudno, and then just buy tickets from manchester to leeds Has anyone done this before? And if so is it going to work or not? My only fear is that the ticket was read when she got on the platform in swansea and THAT made it void.... Has anyone used the same ticket twice? Thanks
  8. I also have a spare seat in my 205 (I think), so anyone south of North Wales let me know
  9. I used to like that song... thanks mike Awesome as always, that rolly line looks so hard, kudos for doing it! and jacks move at the end was mint!! Great vid guys
  10. PaRtZ

    I'm Married

    Congrats JT! Hope you're happy forever
  11. Yeah Ive heard of unreliability issues with try-alls, never used one myself but I intend to steer clear. And if you've got your heart set on having tha loudest freewheel (which sounds chavvyboy racey to be honest) get an Eno or tensile, im sure they're louder
  12. Ill try and tell the swansea guys about it and see if we can organise lifts
  13. +2 Good luck Ben, hope you have a great year, should be coming to a few national rounds too with Dave for support
  14. briliant stan! well done and well deserved!
  15. My nans husband trained John Parrot the snooker player
  16. ok ill add this EPILEPSY WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. ok thanks for the heads up. Ill get this sorted by the book and see how long it takes, and yes ill let you know if it comes through If I get the money?.... 205 gti
  18. I got a phone call last night from home from my mum telling me I had a letter from granada TV saying my clip will be played on saturday the 31st Jaurary 2009. The clip I sent them was from Koxx days 2007, but before you get excited its not bike related If you watch my video (part 1 on youtube) you can see it, but heres a brief explanation: Hope you enjoy
  19. I think the biggest problem you'll have is thelack of adventure. Itll just be like goin to ride somewhere in the UK, that if its that good,most people will have ridden it to death anyway. People will go, ride and then go home. Buthiers is different in the sense that you dont go there very frequently, and you cant go home
  20. nope your best 4 out of 5 count Your worst one, (which will bwe zero in your case) will be ignored
  21. wow pretty damn perfect there
  22. That wa really good, and Kudos to who filmed it too! It was just so smooth Proper teaser though, look forward to the next big video. Is the frame destroyed yet?
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