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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. I can see my uni house lol. It was taken some time about 12 months ago because its still be redecorated from when my landlord bought it cool!
  2. Fancy waiting in Dunkirk port until 2:00 pm on Tuesday? we'll be arrive then!!
  3. f*ck ow! is he ok? hes so smooth, he needs a video soon! I watched "The Engine" a few weeks ago...so awesome!
  4. PaRtZ

    Marc Caisso

    oh my god..... will be watchin that again later. Seriously a must watch! some of the sidehops are huge Download?
  5. where the locals at? slugs looking good, nice day too youre a beast on that bike!
  6. Tuesday we're travelling. Getting a midday ferry from dover - dunkirk cant wait
  7. 1. Steve Rogers 2. Andrew Walker 3. Nick Wood 4. Rob brodie 5. Dan Brooker 6. Chris Elson 7. Nathan marks (nathie wafie) 8. Matt Everett 9. Will Arnold
  8. PaRtZ

    Dan Ko

    lol hes still friends with alex
  9. ordered coustink refills from steve 4 weeks ago. When I ordered them, I realised 2 days later that paypal had assigned my wrong address to the order, so Emailed steve asking him to change the address. he got back to me two weeks later and asked for the address (which I forgot to put on the email) and said they'dbe despatched by the end of the week. So i replied to him the same night with the correct address, another 2 weeks and nothing until today my mum rang and said a bike part's arrived at home (the first, wrong address) so she's sending that down. I always knew steve is slow because of his commitments, and to be honest its not that that annoys me, its just the lack of communication. If he emailed me and said they're going to be 2 weeks late then id atleast know when to start wondering where they are etc. Maybe Steve could hire someone else to help out?
  10. PaRtZ

    Partz - London Ride

    hell yeah, and I thought I had it on camera but it turns out I didnt
  11. lmfao at the guy at the end! Who got the picture? :lol: That was mint! nice one
  12. PaRtZ

    Partz - London Ride

    haha no problem Thanks for all the comments keep them coming As to the PM's about music first one is Maritime - Young Alumni a seriously good abum to be honest, go buy it! And the second is Overseer - Velocity Shift
  13. heres what I got from London. Ive grouped riders together. Don't expect alot because 1) it was so busy, I was lucky to catch anything & 2) I wanted to ride so hopefully here is portrayed what was a very fun day enjoy Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  14. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload enjoy
  15. ive always wanted to ride there since I first saw it way back when Lewis is looking awesome... everything looks so effortless. When we going to see you back on a bike Alex?
  16. sorry but, Im pretty sure spiky rails have been done before. I remember a koxx days video years ago where benito swaps bikes with either belay or hermance and they ride across a pokey rail. Im pretty sure but thats still pretty sick, no doubt danny didn't let his tyres down for it so thats quite...silly... as for the air in the 3rd pic, holy hell, just proves he can fly
  17. lol. She couldn't handle it by herself (jogging) so she called for backup who made some attempt at chasing you... Then apparently we were all told to stay put, but we just walked off too. That guy was a cock. Seriously. You cant steal peoples bags then call the police. haha Bessell's comments made me laugh "She cant possibly chase you!" hahahaha
  18. just got back, im knackered. Was an awesome day ride, met so many people I hadn't seen in ages, rode some new stuff and learnt some new stuff too I did get footage but its really shit stuff so dont expect anything good from me... really good, Im looking forward to the hundreds of photos now. Any news coverage? New thread?
  19. Dave's just turned up so we're leaving too. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  20. as big as my cock silly pants see you soon glennny
  21. awesome, we're leaving soon and picking up Savage on the way we're staying saturday night...anyone recommend a good place to go for uni girls? I have no idea where we're staying like so if you see a red golf estate looking lost this afternoon evening please help it. My brake is extra loud too. If anyone's looking for me I've got a control frame with blue giant forks see you tomorrow!
  22. PaRtZ

    Jack Meek

    really good stuff very professional, very serious. Not sure if its to my tastes the latter bit, but very good still
  23. Got a question regarding a rod, the inner is steel, and its surrounded by an outer sleeve of brass. How do I go working out stresses + strains of it? Thought Id ask tonight incase anyone on here knows, if not Ill go see the lecturer tomoz cheers BTW im not stupid, I know how to do it on homogenous materials, just composites confuse me...
  24. I couldn't watch the whole thing because Ive got to revise for an exam in 30 minutes, but from the first minute it looks awesome! Great work! His riding is pretty big and controlled to, quite like Stan Shaw
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