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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. well the fact its black isn't going to change the quality. And yeah thats not a hd camera... This is High Def
  2. PaRtZ

    The Swine Thread

    Havent people (albeit a small percentage) died from it though? I think it has been blown out of proportion but its still some to be concerned about...
  3. *Right click save as ^^ sweeeeet there were some mint taps in there adam! and the line at 2:43 ish, you did it with so much control, don't think id like to try it! looking really good on that yabaa good stuff!
  4. all students say aye...
  5. PaRtZ


    im guessing they're using the old hairspray/spray paint down em? im on the halfords foam grips. so bloody cheap. to be honest though, if youre always gna wear gloves go for rubber ones, as theyre a bit more durable
  6. I think you can actively focus on riding smoother to be honest. I know that style is harder to adapt and get "better" but you can always tell yourself what smooth riding is. Its sounds a bit contradictory, i know, the only example I can give is, what looks smoother, sidehopping to front wheel, or both? Both looks better, so you tell yourself "Im not going to use the front wheel" and try that way Going bigger is easier to do, that doesn't mean its easy though.
  7. very useful, well done Ill ask my mate tomoz on my engineering course. He pretty much knows everything about the two new versions of clio's having put a 2.0 16v engine in his 1.2 shell . Does the haynes manual say anything? Is the gearbox off the same engine too? Obviously different displacement engines have different ratios and maybe completely different boxes too?
  8. can the next set of dobs to be cut down please be flimed? I'd like to see this, although im pretty sure its not going to be as spectacular as im imagining it
  9. PaRtZ

    The Swine Thread

    currently on mission 20 with the purple pigs after completing the game with the british pigs.... awessommmee. Whens hogs of war 2 out?
  10. PaRtZ

    The Swine Thread

    Im so glad I have it...It never gets old
  11. PaRtZ

    The Swine Thread

    In unrelated news Take that! Foul pig swine!
  12. obviously could happen, but firstly for the sake of...well...this thread not existing and you getting slated its so worth getting things signed for. And secondly its a set of pads if I half-read it right, that annoying something that you really want that isn't expensive, ie if it was a frame, he'd definitly complain about you sending it, but if it was a mars bar he probably wouldn't. I don't think he'd moan at you just for the sake of £15...
  13. PaRtZ


    whats 'it'? your rim? Take your wheel out, hold it in a vice or a tight grip of a friend and try and wobble it and see if you can see the movement coming from the bearings. To help see, remove the end cap on the non driveside, and remove the driver (both pull out) Do this anyway and you can clean up any shards of metal you may find and get back to us
  14. PaRtZ

    Partz 13

    my new video, hope you like Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  15. id rather just ride more to be honest. Much more fun
  16. I *think* he got a normal try-all and cut it. That seems to be the general consensus here...
  17. PaRtZ

    Sam Pilgrim

    haha they looked plenty big enough for me if i was gna ride them!!! that was a really nice video! was the backflip whip 360 as well? i couldnt tell really nice stuff though!!
  18. Ive just watched this, open mouthed, with my housemate. And neither of us can believe what we just saw. Absolutley inspiring, amazing and awesome spectacle Seriously good stuff danny....Im impressed to the max again
  19. beast I forgot to say I already did the rings but problem persists. Oddly enough I used a new top mount with more material on it and it works so far Ill grind the old one down some more just incase though. The tape idea sounds like a plan too Cheers sammmmmmmm
  20. giggedy Im giving ducko a lift. What time we all meeting? Whats happening? ARGHHH
  21. I keep setting my brake up mint, but after a while one of my slave cylinder moves. Ive found that its because the magura top mount has deformed slightly, meaning that when I tighten the bolt, its clamping the two mounts together which touch each other, rather than the cylinder being clamped instead. Do I just need to replace the top mount or do I need to do both? Will Arnold told me something about using 2 bottom mounts to fix it? has that worked for anyone else? Thanks
  22. your signature ben is quite annoying Not sure if I liked how that rides you know jamie.... it seemed to be all over the shop balance wise. Is nice and stiff though, don't know whats happening today though, wills in bed I think
  23. haha awesome stuff walker's gap on the bollards...haha You got some good stuff. You're actually the first video with me in it (in the way) lol so thanks! Good stuff though
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