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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. Im impressed at how clean your halls are My house is a ferking shit tip to say the least, and we only have mould! no rats or flies or anything... people leave food on the floor, no one but me changes the bin, so if i don't do it, they go by the rule of "it isn't filled till its spilled"...
  2. PaRtZ


    thats really nice riding, unique style you've got there and getting up some meaty stuff good work
  3. It does look very nice, and a nice setup too A quick dig though, apart from about £50 extra, how is it different to the first one... and is that difference worth £50? Looks the same to me wihtout checking the geo
  4. it'd be hard for anyone to maintain a demo standard like dannys that was unreal, seriously doing everything so effortlessly Did I see rowans bike btw towards the end?
  5. PaRtZ


    LOL!!!111one :/ I asked if how a frame on ebay was a trials frame as per description, but then realised it was a moto trials frame, taken at a very bad angle
  6. you say its never been sidehopped, yet your avatar is clearly you, on a python, sidehopping. Also the sidewall scuff marks on the tyre pretty much yell it out... You could have atleast made it a BIT believable...theres too many holes in this story to even wind the stupidest of people up
  7. PaRtZ


    I like badgers too
  8. search files + folders -> search for *.mp3 where they all are, click search then you'll get all the songs... then maybe sort by date modified and delete half?
  9. PaRtZ


    Im a dumbass :$ Sorry
  10. Front hop gaps btw Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  11. I like these I remember them in that rhyl ride years ago on your black ashton with gold bits...looks weird but so cool!
  12. pretty sure the dealine is the end of may.... or sooner. Go to your local council office and explain to them. Say you need the education department. Then go there and say you want to apply for student finance. Google student finance, may even be student finance .com and there the one you need. The book takes a while too fill out, and you parent/parents need that P_ _ to show how much they've end in the last tax year.
  13. good shit Andrei! nicely done!
  14. siiiiick ive just built up a new pc so i should be able to run this. recommended spec anyone?
  15. Well scientifically speaking, no thats impossible. If two systems are exactly identical, then...well they're identical. The however is, you can have two setups: as and example: 05 magura water bleed pistons aligned perfectly try-all croco's harsh grind standard lever Trialtech rim One could have a contaminated rim, one could have a contaminated pad, one could have a small leak on the hoses, one person's finger could be stronger than the next... it goes on and on. I guess the reality in what your asking is two people can have seemingly the same brake setup, but one can work and the other cant EDIT: Just re-read your question again. I'd say if the setup didn't change and you had two brand new sets of pads, put one on, then change it, it wouldn't make a difference On my mod I went through so many different pads before deciding to go disc. Now on stock, back to maguras, and i've found coustsinks actually working this time, instead of not really holding on my mod. You just have to keep trying, change rims next time to something different and see if that holds better, source a different grinding disc and see if the composition of the disc is different...
  16. Brake pads aren't made from rubber. They're polyeurethene (might be the wrong plastic) at any rate, they're actually a polymer. Theres no tutorials as such because its not really cost effective to do yourself unless you're selling them or using them in mass quantities. The Low Down Ask Fatmike, Ali C, Heatsink Steve what pad material they use and they wont tell you because they'll have played around with different hardnesses, plasticisers (google it) and materials to get the right stuff. As far as I know, the only way thats done is by contacting a plastics manufacturer and ask for some samples to cut them out of. Then Once you get a plastic, simply cut it to the shape of your backings using a milling machine if you have access to one, or if not...er...a knife + file? Might help to take your old pad material out to get shapes + dimensions Finally Glue it in and test it. Make sure you remember what plastic type your testing, so that if you want more, you know what type to ask for. Bare in mind suppliers usually sell the stuff in MASSIVE quantities rather that enough for 4 pairs of pads. Mike be able to help you there, give him a PM
  17. I assumed he wanted a new lever blade, not a whole body... Really, you could bodge anyhing onto an 04 system. IE an 05 lever, echo tr lever, echo sl lever.....etc
  18. Be cool, damon goes to front though doesnt he? I thin he'd fair alright in a vertical step competition also, thinking about it isn't that far behind Benito....
  19. Didn't know you could fit RB lever blades to an 04 magura?
  20. I also like the way theres no weight in the description....
  21. lol Im the same as you. Got to finish one thing before moving onto the other? and porn collection, well, who doesn't have a porn collection to be honest
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