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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. wow, the geo looks really nice! but that frame! sorry, not a fan, the tubes look really too thick and bulky and excessive. Could be the way the pictures taken but... sorry Nicely kitted out though and im adamant it will be an ideal bike to ride geo wise....
  2. And fatmike. Don't forget MAD use these bikes to do demos with so if they werent that good, they wouldn't use them
  3. I think I like the frame design. Not too keen on the graphics though...
  4. PaRtZ


    From the album: For sale

  5. PaRtZ


    From the album: For sale

  6. PaRtZ


    From the album: For sale

  7. PaRtZ


    From the album: For sale

  8. PaRtZ


    From the album: For sale

  9. PaRtZ


    From the album: For sale

  10. What a beast! I remember his echo video years ago, im sure he had shit loads of hair then looking good on a mod, very smooth riding
  11. Speaking of evolution, Im amazed trials-forum has managed to stay on topic for 29 pages!!
  12. he said about tgs and he doesn't like inch pushing, he just likes to roll everywhere, which is fair enough... but tbf not everyone can roll everywhere the same way he does I know if I could, id probably sack sidehopping off totally
  13. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=137338 yeah get well soon josh, hope this cheers you up
  14. PaRtZ

    Woodfest Clips

    Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Just what I got, was too busy riding to film much. Gives you all an idea as to the magnitude/scale of stuff
  15. PaRtZ

    Who Is This

    ali's arms are shorter and more caveman like and hairy. Adams are longer and slender Hence its adam EDIT: Riding his hoesel I think
  16. That hurts 5 bikes isnt that bad...
  17. I only got some scraps of footage, ill upload tonight the shot of me doing the 11ft stuff and tim's mad 360 drop. Also think I got a shot of josh doing the water balance beam without getting wet too! Massive thanks to fat Matt Barlow, seriously good job on organising stuff and inviting me to ride there, even in the p*ssing wet it was so much fun! Im gonna have a nice hot bath now and wash off the bit of blood I got from the slippy logs I shouldn't have tried!
  18. PaRtZ


    Splitters can also help with setting up the brake, because the slaves arent confined to the bendy crossover, which has a habit of springing the slaves outwards...if you get me... but as im sure 90%-95% of riders manage without one, you dont Monty just decided to take some steps in the fancy direction when they came in with that i think
  19. PaRtZ

    Disc Or Magura

    Disccccccc Holds as good as a well set up magura, but its easier to setup and usually stays setup too. Also you dont get disasterous amounts of wheel flex with a mod disc like you would on a stock
  20. Adverts shit. dunno what the designers were smoking when they thought of that
  21. bleach when i was a child, my sense of smell is poor to say the least and i got confused as to which blue mug i poured water into
  22. we're missing the spit roast craig... I think waynio's gna try shag someone tonight, i got out before it was me...
  23. lol welcome to TF Reccomend Ebay for a quick bargain of a bike
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