Best Chilled Out Atmosphere By Will, a few years ago, I just love it!! Best With A Metal Track
Because when it came out it was pretty damn epicBest TGS Best Stock go on, danny macs april 09 Best Mod
sickBest 24"
Best Natty
I still quite like this one!Best Classic Vid (2006 or older) Canberra trials video 12 Best Old School Vid (2002 or older) oh my god how has no one mentioned martyn and the daddy pants?! Best Koxx/Badger Days Vid Best Motivational Best Group Ride Video Such an ace day!
whover said about qualitfication vs jobs, first to say: Alan sugar. Good luck you guys. I got my uni re-sit next tuesday and again, if I dont pass this looks like Ill be selling tents for the next few months of my life
thats pimp stuff ali, theres one pic I cant quite tell where you're going too/from, no doubt a spinny trick involved somewhere And dropping to the thin thing...crazy!! Looks good! Nice riding as usual. Get a video out though, or come to rhyl and Ill make one of you
gutting... Onza ice frames aren't designed as BIU (and by BIU I mean Bash It Up) street bikes, they're an all rounder bike for people who make the occaisional mistake. Lad here in North Wales has had one for a while now and its fine, no cracks and he likes his drop gaps too. Ok he weighs like nothing but still its all gravy looks like someone needs a new frame!
Thats been back up for a while now Have to bring this up again though, Martyn Walker, the legend, out of trials for a few years, got back into and went to the blackpool round...only won intermediate !!! Beeeeeast
I think one :thumbsdown: is enough... *awaits spam seems odd they've not given you everything. as said usually comes in a sealed box. But some'll have the stuff cheap anyway, if not your LBS will
yeah is Pauly C still around? I still have the parrot impression he did from the birmigham ride years ago on my hd... His borat impression is awful.... Good to see you back Neil! Nothing like the golden oldies!!!
person who has an answer for everything award? fact/spelling/moralistic/grammar nazi award - OBM. Can also be called the multi nazi award and you get the "nazi lol" tattoo from the BOTI thread
Possibly the best technique for sidehops EVER... Everything was just so accurate and pretty damn smooth and big! Kudos on the riding to him Video wise yeah its crap lol I hate that song. But his riding more than makes up for it. The gap off the table tennis i think to the curb looks MASSIVE