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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. initally yeah. It takes ages to get started. Once you can do moves you get better very quickly...then it slows down again :/ which is where I'm at now You just got to keep trying.
  2. pretty sure itd be aluminium mate...
  3. i love derren brown, yeah hes not a medium, hes an illusionist who plays tricks on peoples minds
  4. the frames are nice, I loved megamos. They're very old school though, so I hope you're not planning on going CLS on it, because you wont Manuals, spinny stuff and front hops though, they're so fun for just rolling around on!
  5. great two letters, who cares that much. This is seeming like a lot more work than originally I thought. It started out about asking about the thread being cut, but now its involving bearings moving and pushing and other stuff I probably didnt read.... A profile hub is pretty damn good + cheap for mod you know? Not meaning to be cocky but, are you sure its worth it? I know its the feel good factor of having it on your bike like, but still might cost loads more
  6. ah good question..er.. Prelude No.2 by O'Halloran. From an old Audi A5 advert
  7. PaRtZ


    Thanks guys, I really want to try and make more effort to see you two (and other fellows) more this year! ooo err kind of yeah, it took about a month for me to get fully settled but now i think after 5 years on mod ive gotten the basics down enough and stock is much better now! cheers man, thats really all im after. I know im not the biggest rider and I never will be, but I just wanted to make video people of all levels can watch whenver they just want to get back into riding.
  8. PaRtZ


    Hi guys You might have seen the post in NMC already but if not, Ive made this video basically to those who find themselves annoyed at trials because they're not getting anywhere. Recently Ive not been in this situation but i sure as hell know what it feels like to be riding for weeks and still tapping/spinning/gapping the same distances :/ Its a bit emo but I think it'll work, hope it helps anyone. Practice really does make perfect: Vimeo Video -> Original Video
  9. Hi NMC Im posting this in here as typically NMC's majority are new riders. I'm just another rider like everyone else, and I've been riding for 6 years now. Whether you want to take trials up as a sport or its a passing fad, you may find this video of interest to you to give you a bit of a spur on in trials. The message is pretty obvious but its aimed at everyone who wants to get better at trials and may find themselves riding without improvement. Improvement will ALWAYS happen with practice. And heres the proof Hope you enjoy Vimeo Video -> Original Video
  10. Now somehow the bearings in my neon BB have started creaking yesterday. In its defence I was fannying around with the cups etc because my tool doesnt clear it and had to devise a very random method but anyway With prices off BB's going higher, I was just wondering if its worth buying a cheaper BB ie onza to a more expensive one ie tryall. It needs to be as wide as poss for crank clearance and Im not too bothered about how freely it spins. I just want it to last!
  11. pics of the hub btw? Im guessing the threads arent standard metric/imperial size? Are they available from Hope? Good job if you can get it done though
  12. ahhh I was rooting for Kenny to win the seniors... Never mind, awesome rider! Grats to Gilles and Joe though!
  13. I thought joe was older? No matter, nice one dude!
  14. inside out baby is freaky.... Bret McKenzie from Flight of the Conchords Ali C
  15. PaRtZ


    no idea who he is. Looking on his profile, Alex Dark may have dealt with him? 19th of august is quite a while ago...is there not another side to the story? like a message he gave you explaining why he'd be late?
  16. PaRtZ

    Crossover Idea

    it wont work The clear bleeding hose isn't designed to handle the pressure that maguras operate under, its designed to contain and guide fluid into and through the brake, without the fluid being pressurised by another acting force (other than the syringe which pushes the fluid through). The hose (nylon I think) is very stiff and is loads thicker than the bleed tube. Although pressing it you may think its pretty rigid, when you compare it to that of standard hosing, its really not You can buy suitable clear hosing however that DOES withstand the pressures of HS33. Kchan on here used to have some, not sure if he still does though. That too can not possibly have worked. Not only from analysis dan, but I tried that too. The halfrods hose is rubber or PVC and when you press the brake and hold the crossover, you can feel the hose stretching.My bad, just re-read what you wrote. That sounds like an ace idea now
  17. I really liked the shot at 1:42 ish for some reason But the whole video was great anyway really cheesy to be honest, not a good advert for motivating chavs to stop getting on the dole and get a job. I wonder how much money he's getting for these....
  18. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  19. that would extremely snazzy. Sunday if poss! Or any day afterwards
  20. surely a caption comp is in order!?
  21. I like the look of this alot! Whats it like for spinny tricks Ali? Don't say you haven't done any or i wont be best pleased! If you're gna bring out a vid, put some cool Ali C tricks in it too! Or come to N wales next week and Ill make the vid!
  22. This man's been around trials longer than most people have been born! I think he knows a thing or two about it... Although i keep away from hydraulics, Ive always used sintered with my BB7, and its been the best thing EVER. Never failed on me in the dry, and slipped a bit in shitty wet comp conditions
  23. fooking ace!, its stopped buffering halfway through, but its so fun to watch! I just love the up to front on the bi, and the camera goes everywhere! Nice balance line on the...tape? good home made bodge, typical iolo! Good to see you still riding bud!! The videos ACE! Bring the van back to britain
  24. Anyone played 21? go round the table and say the next number, say the next two numbers to reverse, and the next 3 to skip someone. Person who says 21 downs the drink? Some lads in uni played that, but instead of saying the numbers they clucked them like a chicken. And when it got to like 11, the guy who had it made a MASSIVE chicken noise and passed the run on to someone across the table. It was VERY funny to watch!
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