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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. PaRtZ

    Help Me

    Indigo? Isn't that like a purple. And although Im colourblind, Im sure that that bike is orange :D :)"
  2. its a new craze...chain-slapping :)....... ok ill go Nice one dude! though i wouldn't touch the stuff myself
  3. PaRtZ


    I was in school and it was dinner time. Drains were screwed so water was knee deep everywhere. It was sooo fun we nearly went swimming in the canteen :)
  4. Mod? Stock? Mod: Echo's are ace to be honest Not sure about anything else Stock: Mavic Although I dont know which one + im not an expert on big bikes ;)
  5. Awwww poor doggie woggie ;)
  6. They were in my video folder i had about 5 gb now ive got 1.66 gb I recently transferred all my files into a new XP account and I definitly transferred all the videos because I watched a few BMX ones last night They've just gone! ;) Search didn't work, just turned up the ones I had already
  7. oh my god I've just opened my video folder and all i have is from (SP4) Mota 16-12-03 to canberratrials 13 None of my other videos are there?! They've not been deleted as far as I know thye've just disappeared?! :@ :@ Any ideas? thanks
  8. Didn't know that, sorry. Learn't something new today ;)
  9. I get the feeling of deja vu. Wasn't a thread/argument like this posted a while ago about a dented t-pro down tube + squew iff bash plate bolts? Breaking a frame and asking for a replacement is like eating a cake and asking for a replacement: Its not likely to happen EDIT: Ahhh here we go again
  10. I wanna go I know a couple of the north wales lads wants to go too. It depends on hours for work though ;)
  11. I am. I cant go : working
  12. s'alright bud :huh:
  13. I say it depends on the person: TRA : 30% skill 70% strength CLS 80% skill 20% strength Benito ros 50% skill 50% technique (OK unsure on that one)
  14. well i dont think you could do that technique of a 3ft+ object :huh: Seriously though you got to get used to being able to kick hop to the edge first, then doing another one (like in the video) to get off it. Once you can do that, go on to booning which is kickhopping without the pedalling. But i wouldn't worry about that yet, tis pretty odd feeling to get used to
  15. KHE collapse? Not familiar with all the numbers EDIT: Sorry to hi-jack thread but while we're on this subject do KMC have a website?
  16. PaRtZ

    Oh My God

    Do you know what trick it was? :lol: Thats groovy, im downloading it to my pc now :huh:
  17. So whats the situation with 24" at competitions then? A new category for themselves? (Y)
  18. PaRtZ

    Whats Your Job?

    40?! lol thats like 50 metres of highly articulated trolleys (Y) :P :D I was thinking about teaching....then thought "na id rather be a trolley boy" :P
  19. har har matty (Y) well you never know what quality they in/when that picture was taken
  20. Just a general question to see if anyone has any interesting jobs or would like to share any funny experiances they've had at work Im currently a trolley boy for safeways/morrisons. My record number of trolleys pushed through the shopping precinct is 12. woo :D (Y)"
  21. lollies (Y) I say stod because 24 is closer to 26, than 20. => It is more stock than mod Woo go english GCSE!
  22. www.partz.50megs.com Is crap though
  23. Sorry if Im being stupid, but were does Aran come from? I thought this was Iolo :blink: :o lol Anyway those pictures are amazing. I dont know how that bollard pigeon is possible, or the handrail :ermm: :o Nice ones
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