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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. haha my plan worked awww what about saturday? (see below) Mike, might ride saturday too, just maybe somewhere else Ill ask around and find out if you're still interested?
  2. Do you mean like a front wheel gap to an endo, then swap wheels? If so then im learning them too. The advice I got (which is working by the way ) Is to really commit yourself to throw your body forwards and throw your shoulders over the bars as much as possible. Keep low too
  3. Ok I've jsut snapped my carbon fibre booster (my fault really I grinded off too much) So im after another booster, 4 bolt if possible. Heres my set up Zona zip frame (so im guessing Onza sized booster?) Rear try-all Like I said 4 bolt if possible, but if its uber stiff I'll use a 2-bolt. Im asking this cos my XTR booster only fitted if I grinded some off (which has now killed it) so yeah suggestions please
  4. Thats so believable and Im guillable, im tempted to believe it? Clarify please? lol is it real or not
  5. Also my friend wants know: do you like michael moore? why do americans love our queen so much? why do you have adverts after the introduction of each show example : "friends, ill be there for...blah blah" "now a break" <--- dunno what he means there sorry do you think thats why such a large amount of americans are obese? because they like to eat during breaks, and the tv stations are giving them too many adverts do you know who shakin stevens is? if so, ..what you think of him?
  6. Do you know what chavs are? and if so are they worse in america or here? Why is american food so sugary? If you were a crayon what colour would you be? (I really hate getting asked that question....)
  7. Zona zip is a great choice, sidehops very well. Just done my first fully natural sidehop today (yay :| ) Have you considered the zoo python too? or this little baby: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=67423 (You can pay me advertising fees later tricalum )
  8. Yeah but dont tell adam or dave, they're probably still looking for it now
  9. lol at that pic Hans Rey's site was the first I found before I started doing trials. Didn't even know what it was but the statue of liberty trick looks quite cool
  10. I dont concur ( ) too. Phil has sent stuff to me quicker than I expected. He doesn't send stickers or pens like tarty do (maybe the pen was an accident?) but he's still very good, and very competitive. Sounds like you've just been unlucky to me
  11. oh man this is gonna be ace Me, Will, mini ducko and Matt Rowlands on his uni will be there Hope you can get there, If you want to know costs/how to get there, ask me and Ill price up for you/give you directions See you there EDIT: Also Ben K-G will be there on his big ass Norco Manik
  12. Answer something or other gloves. They're blue if that helps I just went to my LBS and found some that looked like they would be waterproof, wind resistant + warm
  13. Yeah I can understand the annoyance now lol
  14. mine, had a little play on the ol editing too http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-trials/pzclip1.wmv
  15. Got a picture? looks qutie sexy from your avatar
  16. the bike belonging to a certain small retard 0/10 no ot pi is not as small as you alex
  17. PaRtZ

    Cls Website

    lol all the good riders hibernate for the winter and then bam! as soon as summer comes they're exploding onto the streets and killing stonework Does the stop and search thing go on ones criminal record? Surely (being sponsored by zoo!) He can appeal against it or something lol
  18. confusing avatar but quite groovy 7/10
  19. yeah can someone answer that please. After that review im really wanting some now
  20. Its not strictly a trials vid, but it has some biking/bike destroying/climbing and balancing http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/jackass/xmas_video.wmv Hope you like and have yourselves a merry christmas
  21. PaRtZ

    Onza Zoot

    OK sorry to spark this all up again, but why can't you use a 24" on natural?
  22. here you go craig (don't worry I failed geogrpahy so I had to look it up too)
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