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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. Well I dremelled off all the old paint but It left a really un even surface which actually looks quite cool Now Ive applied the first coat... ....only 6 hours to wait BTW if you want to know what colour it is Humbrol 52 enamal paint
  2. Sorry you impatient Mid-Walian arse Im going to see If Rob can persuade his mum to let him take her car instead Ive now fixed my bike too so I should be good to go if the lift is arranged Oh consider this a BUMP too :D:D:D:D
  3. Just to add some info here, I had a Shadow conspiracy interlocker and MY GOD it was sh!te. Unbelievably..... So snappy happy. Looks cool and is really practical, but unfortunatly not effective for trials EDIT: try the GBH Half link
  4. PaRtZ


    You're the first person I know who has said that....
  5. PaRtZ

    Temp Folder

    Sorry to Hijack the thread.... (really I am, Ill feel guilty tonight) But can anyone suggest a way to help me speed my PC up. Its only slowed down recently and means that my movie maker (adobe) doesn't like to preview the media files (which are quite large, AVI, raw footage files Any ideas? It was fine a few weeks ago...
  6. PaRtZ

    Temp Folder

    to make room for MORE porn?
  7. Also how old are the brakes in question? If they're brand new I'd be a bit but if they're ancient then meh
  8. I was just gna give em a quick sand thats a very funny looking monty btw....
  9. Bikedock are selling Front Yellow maguras for £40! But as said above, Im guessing thats the ones they have left over.......
  10. OK just a quick question, is enamal paint OK to use to paint my magura slaves? If not...(I've just wasted £1.19) what should I use? Thanks
  11. PaRtZ


    I don't. The definition of Chavs (im sure you all know) Council Housed And Violent A chav tends to use violence before brains and use this violence to deliberatly intimidate others. This by no reasoning is right. Therefore the reason why chavs need eradicating. So before you call yourself a chav, truly think if you are. Do you live in a council house? Are you deliberatly violent to intimidate others? if so shame on you....
  12. So if you were in their shoes, You would turn down any deal offered? As waynio said I guess its how a rider sells a product. Having said that, why don't companies sponsor big breasted beautiful pornstars to sell products? Would attract attention to the company
  13. Those v brakes look crap lol. But as Mark said, fair play for trying, they should re design it to make it look better and they could have some competition for magura
  14. a dozen footballs were popped from the tragic explosion as well as a single cat. 12 - 1 = 11
  15. You mean alex Hes not AS sponsored as CLS was to zoo I agree, there are better riders out there, unquestionable, but some don't want to have the restricting boundaries of being sponsored. I don't think that n00bs (the word you're looking for dave ) are being sponsored though dave, otherwise koxx'd be all over me
  16. Supermarkets are popular and easy but a bad choice in my opinion. If I were you, Id try to find something different Oh and you really need to make the effort to go out and look for one....
  17. And dog owners don't have to clean up after their dogs? I adore dogs i really do. They're so cute and so much 1337er than cats. Having said that if a dog shit on my bike, I'd tie it to the floor and shit in its mouth. As you said...you'd be in the woods...alone........could just tie the owner there with his dog......
  18. Yeah I've seen them everyelse but this set just has like a 0.3mm notch in the spring which this clip presses against. Obviously it keeps jumping out of the clip..... Ill try the drill idea in a bit, possibly tomoz. Thanks for the idea
  19. thanks for trying but no help The tap glides down smoothly all the way and litterally stops instantly when it reaches the end of the thread Also tried gt85; no work bending spring so its a tighter fit on the tool; no work
  20. oh my god how can you mispell FORKS for folks? folks sound nothing like forks, and im beginning to think if folks is even a word. Please change the topic title before you annoy more people Now back on topic Yeah I don't see what is stopping you.... So long as they are the mod versions, just stick em on...
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