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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. Without sounding sarcastic, I honestly believe that this was coincidence because neither had really set a date for the freewheel release Ah well from fred's post it doesn't seem to be stupidly expensive either, but the tensile's cheaper so..meh lol
  2. Doesn't look very reliable if the pawls just fall out.... tsk....
  3. I've just been on the bog for 20 minutes, staring at the toxsin logo (t-shirt) wondering what the hell it is Cerberus perhaps? Your thoughts? lol sorry if this should be in chit chat
  4. I have to say I probably prefer the tensile removal method than the notched thing provided. I've had bad experiances....
  5. Made me laugh Don't worry, happens to everyone once in a while
  6. PaRtZ

    Onza T-lite

  7. yeah definitly an improvement in black. I think its weird how the colour can completly alter peoples opinions of the bike. Becuase it did look truly awfulin silver, but now looks smarty arty
  8. Sorry for sounding really retarded, but I can't see the "4th" cross? ! :$ Bah it works at the moment anyway. Brake seems fine too. If it blows up Ill be on the blower for some more, but please send some 3x next time or ill bollocks it up again :$ Thanks all
  9. Well I may have found the reason. During the build you're supposed to twist the hub (after the first 18 spokes have gone in) and perhaps i didn't twist it correctly? If you've built so many up then its pretty obvious im at fault lol OK heres some pics: [attachmentid=4492] [attachmentid=4493]
  10. I recently bought some spokes from a shop and when I finished building the wheel they were too long. I thought I must have made a mistake (using G-sport wheel building guide) but I can't see how I have. When I got given the spokes they said to use a 4X lace, (hence the g-sport build guide) but I still can't see why my spokes are too long I have now tightened the spokes as much as possible, and cut the excess thread off, but the spokes still aren't as stiff as I'd like to be honest . The wheel is a profile mini cassette to a kris holm, and I think the kris holm erd is the same as a koxx. I was given 182 and 180 spokes. The spokes are the right ratio though. I mean the drive side spokes aren't excessively shorter than the non-drive side etc. But they're too damn long lol Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks
  11. you're damn right its rather funny
  12. Someone said theres no point in getting a degree above ^^ I sort of agree and disagree. Years ago, degrees were valuable to businesses because hardly anyone had them. Now its becoming the "norm" to have a degree so they aren't as valuable anymore. Having said that, if you don't have a degree..... Im a year ahead of you mate, last fortnight of school for me...its making me depressed as I think about it, and this is the first time ever im slightly nervous about exams. I need 2 b's to get into my course (oh yeahh.... ) but im not sure if im going to get them Anyway I want to run my own bike shop in the future, but I doubt very much it'll happen. I suggest go to uni, then you'll have 3-4 more years to decide what you want to do, and have a degree at the end .....and a big pile of debt to work through :D
  13. I've never understood this properly so im not prepared to argue.... but if i understand correctly, if you wanted to run the tensile on the back, you would have similar problems to run an acs on the front? Thats pretty cool, considering i don't think alot of people are running rear free wheel. But as Alex said, is this going to become the standard part on all onza bikes?
  14. ahhhh and you want it to sound right
  15. well its worth a try but make sure you test it in a safe manner...thats all ill say I think I understand what you're saying, but why would there be a problem if you had them all "un-wonky" as you put it, because surely if all but one won't engage in the "normal" milled slots, then all but 1 won't engage in the wonky milled slots It's hard to put across what im saying but I think you *may* have made things overly complicated However Im no expert on this so don't go nuts Good CAD work atleast
  16. Wait until the "try-all freewheel" thread or maybe it'll be €75 Looks mint, im afraid I bum my profile too much for this but looks damn good. A mid range priced freewheel has been needed for a while and its great that onza has it out
  17. PaRtZ

    Vote For Him!

    PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 018273D1
  18. PaRtZ


    yeah i was similar
  19. I know this may seem stupid, but when people said it doesn't spin, perhaps the flanges are rubbing against his hands as he turns it? Because that first coasting seems pathetic imo I know thats very harsh and I don't like to use it, but i can't really see it as anything else. Once these hubs are released and my current hub dies, then I am very likely to buy one (so please, im not slating echo at all) but only if that freewheel were to last longer lol Maybe you're right mark and its the stiff springs Looks ace though
  20. I never get hassled in all honesty, maybe cos i look like a scruff anyway I nearly slapped my mate when this happened to us first time. This chav asked how much it was, I said "about £200" and my mate said "isn't you're back hub worth like £160 so your whole bike is near to a grand?"
  21. just cos i seem to have a limited choice of rims I wanted an 05 echo for ages but couldn't lol
  22. kris holm is gurrrdddd The sidewall is tiny so i cant see it caving in like my ronnie
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