I've learnt to take off from a back wheel position, but not one big hop from two, and then jump. Sometimes you don't have the luxury of manifesto (or half-manifesto etc) Basically when you start it WILL feel wrong. I learnt it the "wrong" way (to my favourite foot side) and i started by instead of hopping sideways I sorta span instead You could be too close to the wall. I found that this was a problem and led to much frustration. Also you have to compleltly commit yourself everytime. I can't explain it, but its like sidehopping is a "vulnerable" move and can lead you wide open for injury if something goes wrong. But don't think about that, otherwise you will fall Try it with low stuff (and I mean low stuff, maybe even double kerb/curb height or something) just so you get the technique dialled. Remember though on the low stuff, don't put the front wheel OVER the object, cos on bigger stuff, you cant do that Hope that helps in some way