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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. I don't *think* Benito ros is on the forum Or Cesar Canas Dani Comas Chris Akrigg Ot Pi Tibo Marriueaux Yao Zhi Danny Holroyd (?) meh just cos they're not on the forum doesn't mean they're not famous or can ride well. in any case, I don't think a forum is anything to go by in the terms of who's a good rider here. Anyway if i was a good rider, I wouldn't publisize myseld to be honest cos I ride for me and no one ese
  2. Is he doing an endo in the last pic?
  3. So you draw the raffle on the 17th, but why is the closing date the 18th? [/_pwn]
  4. I just went down a big hill in the rain with my brake slightly on. Next thing I knew I had a brake which could make me do front flips if i wasnt careful
  5. I initially thought it was either a python or a zip with a monty paintjob + stickers Its not exactly hard to do is it?
  6. You know its just 8 pairs of socks stuffed down there.... But whats with elmo? [attachmentid=5719] [attachmentid=5720] [attachmentid=5721] [attachmentid=5722] [attachmentid=5723]
  7. Its nice, clean, smart etc. but not amazing for me im afraid. Nice to see no pointless cnc shizzle
  8. depends on you set-up eg. boosters, grind etc. If done well, yes v brakes can give power close to maguras, but it all depends on how well its all set up. But personally I think its easier to set up a powerful magura than a powerful v brake
  9. yeah ive been truly raping mine and I have idea why its still together. It should be in atleast 2 pieces by now
  10. My 03 monty absolutly pwned on natural! Weird thing is I don't know why. I had a da-bomb pro and when I changed to the monty it felt pretty similar to ride, but when I was riding it was wayy out-performing it. Its very flicky and really easy to re-position on rocks, only thing you could moan about is the long seat tube, but to be honest that doesn't really hinder a great deal of tuckage Monty 4tw!
  11. "not to sound anal".......thats a new one But you're right, wear a sodding a helmet nice job on the cranks too, I was expecting them to break whilst you did the gap across, that would have been sick
  12. NO way! You're number plate is "MEP" http://www.oddtodd.com/index2.html lol
  13. were you aware of the masses of people behind you?
  14. What do you think? Back on topic, I have to say that im kind of an old romantic too. Not saying that I wouldn't shag a girl if i was given a chance; I like that sort of shizzle too. But my ex and I used to go for walks in't country and spend days watching tv together. Just being with her was enough for me, I didn't really care if we were shagging (sorry can't think of another expression) or just sitting cuddling The good news is, that all the good girls like to spend time with you doing a wide variety of stuff. Sex is just one of them...
  15. PaRtZ

    My Astravan

    As a complete car n00b, couple of questions: Whats a redtop or is that literally just a red roof bit? You said that you'd want to put a zlet or a clet engine in, but what would be wrong with the two inbetween? (kinda relating to the euro regulation thing) Finally is that big hole in the engine sposed to be there? Sorry if its annoying, I just like to learn a lot more about the mechanics behind cars without destroying my saxo
  16. My Avid honks in the wet weather and sort of scrapy/squeaks in the dry
  17. I thought thats what this was
  18. I just realised that I hardly ever swear even when im annoyed and I don't know why. I swear a moderate amount in R/L but normally I find synonyms for profanities lol (wow what colourful language) What about you guys? And what do you think about it? Are people not mature enough to say a sentance without 'f*cking' something or other? Or is it becoming the norm to have mild 'tourettes'?
  19. He means like the disc, bar + stem rear hub etc. I actually didn't pay that much attention to the vid cos i was waiting for something to happen lol
  20. im afraid ali c is the original caveman.....
  21. What the hell. You could have atleast cut off the first 3 minutes of that
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