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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. I cooked mine (no joke) in a pan of boiling (duh) water worked a treat...until i touched the disk putting it back on so I had to do it again
  2. The intro.......Metal gear solid 2 music anyone? The rest was mint, worth a download if only to show the intro to yoru mates...
  3. PaRtZ's contribution: [attachmentid=6788]
  4. rolling? still damn good though nice one EDIT: Forgot the
  5. yeah thats true. but i cant think that someone would be that heartless and do that Yeah dont update the bits whatever you do oh and definitly leave the seat in
  6. PaRtZ

    Do A Wheelie

    ^^ fair f*cking do's to the guy!! cant helping laughing at the thought of it all but theres no doubt hes talented and damn good Nice one
  7. on a relatively on topic note Does anyone know anything about this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giVdfe6d5jM My mate has a dvd of him doing burnouts infront of cop cars and then speeding off and not getting caught lol
  8. PaRtZ

    Is It A Beast

    lol thats funny pic apparently dave theres one called a pink toed spider or something that sheds all of its hairs off when provoked.
  9. or he has a pitbull terrier? shock horror
  10. you think wrong Basically sandwich the pads with the spring clip inside and pop them back in. Then use something thin to tease them outwards back into place.
  11. My try-alls are great. Not too bouncy as maxxis but much grippier. I've had 1 pinch after 2 pairs and 9 months (front and back that is)
  12. right....... maybe do it green then? not many green frames out there....
  13. PaRtZ

    When Did You Start

    May 12th 2004 *cough my birthday* Da bomb pro. Bought it at school. This lad rode it there and locked it up. I gave him the cash and he gave me the keys lol let me keep the bike lock too which I also have to this day
  14. PaRtZ

    New Frames

    Im sure ive seen it before meh im going crazy That is defintly a sexy bike in brown and built up like that. Honestly I think I like it more than the heatsink one to be honest (thats still nice though ) Nice ones
  15. Might seem a stupid question but does it ride ok? Only thing I can suggest is strip it down compleltly and rebuild it piece by piece and replace anything necessary Good find though. Hold onto it and in the future it'll be worth loads
  16. This is what irritates me about trials. I've seen posts on here like "how to front hop" to which replies are "you don't need to know how to do that." Why not?! If someone wants to do it, why shouldn't they? Phil is ace no question. Just because he 180's off a drop instead of going straight, why does that make him a "bmxer"? Its just what he likes doing And its the same with everyone else too. People could do a small gap to backwheel, but to test themselves more, they'll try and 180 the gap instead.
  17. The smeg and the heads?
  18. ok im back :$ I had another told to me last night A coloured gentlemen went to the doctors and said "doctor doctor I cant stop running everywhere. Everywhere I go I run, I run to the bathroom, I run to work I run everywhere!" Whilst running on the spot. So the doctor says "Ah its ok, this is common" he takes out some white powder and puts it on the table and says "Sniff that" "so the foreign guy does and he immediatly stops running and says "wow that was amazing, what was that stuff? coke?" the doctor says "No it was persil, guaranteed to stop colours running"
  19. Honest to god I swear I met a look a like of you last night called robin. OK heres me: [attachmentid=6710]
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