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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. if you need a motor vehicle of sorts, get a bike. Theyre cheaper insurance (mostly) than a car They just got less wheels which is a bitch....
  2. Only thing I dont like is the white background on the links. I know you need it otherwise you cant see them but I think it breaks up the title too much Other than that really nice. Very artistic, very original and easy to use. Good work
  3. A lot of people have said "10 foot static omgzorz" Honest I just think the word fat is used a lot in trials. Either that or Will's trying to tell me something
  4. Dont think anyone will know it but the "Of Mice and Men" film with John Malkovich, right at the end where Gary Sinese (george) shoots Lenny
  5. PaRtZ


    did he actually "abuse" her though? cos if he did then at least you weren't lying, then that WOULD be a massive guilt trip not to put you under any pressure there like....
  6. Does that include your uni course? Also can I ask how Heatsink bikes started out? From the moment you left uni? Just Im in awe of how well you've done for yourself
  7. Couldn't keep it inside any longer eh? Just HAD to tell the world..... Can't fault the echo to be honest unless the geo is silly
  8. It could be a wide variety of things unfortuatly Could be your riding - too many harsh spins/spinning drops etc. Could have been a bad batch - but not highly likely to be honest. Then again, as its quite un-heard of, this could be true Could be over stressing one side - as you said they were slightly too small, but I would have thought that would have only stripped the threads at the end of the spoke as opposed to snap it clean I honestly cant understand why this has happened and thus make a sensible explanation. A bad batch is the easiest option but I still cant see it to be honest. At a guess its the spokes fault, and not the hub as unless the flange is too wide, its not going to make much of a difference. Baffled sorry
  9. A few weeks ago I had a sort of panic attack basically because something triggered the fact and feeling that I had no idea where my life is heading. I mean we all have those cute childhood speeches: "When I grow up Im going to be an astronaught" or whatever. Fact is at that age in our lives, we don't realise NASA dont want the fat, unhealthy lard-arse we turn in to when its time to start a career. I felt (last week) as though I never actually focused on a single career that I wanted to do. Because what if shit hit the fan and I couldn't do it? Example, I wanted to be an electrician (at one point) but then I was told that my colourblindness, however slight it is, AUTOMATICALLY prevents me from doing it. Recently I've gained a place at swansea university for mechanical engineering. Yay. 4 more years of being taught complicated, awkward formulae and logic with the possibility or leaving with a degree. Oh and about £20,000 of debt. But tonight I've been talking with a mate, once I leave uni, what's going to happen? If I got a sponsorship then I could have a job sorted out already, but I'd be tied to the company. However if I don't think quick Im going to be screwed when I leave. Also, I want a mechanical sort of job now before I go to uni in the hope that it keeps my mind mechanically fresh and active. But I can't get into anywhere without specific qualifications for machining etc. and even if I leave uni with a degree, its still not the same as these qualifications. Don't get me wrong Im not moaning saying lifes shit. I love life and go for everything I can, its just in order for me to keep doing so and staying on the straight and narrow I've got no idea what to do now After this so called panic attack I was told by my lovely ex girlfriend (pics for those who need a wank on request) to do what I wanted. So I did, I quit at morrisons. Simultaenously I was made redundant at my other job in a toy shop so im a bit buggered unless someone can suggest something for me I tried a year in industry website, but Im too late, next entry is this time next year (when Ill be in swansea) All I can do is work, but where? Anyone else feel in a similar situation? share here we can all be a mess together PaRtZ xxx
  10. PaRtZ

    Nick Carter

    Can I have a t-shirt? Ive run out of kleenex's
  11. PaRtZ

    R.i.p Steve Irwin

    thats quite funny, even after a very clear signing people still think that THAT steve has died Not an avid fan but still enjoyed the times I watched his shows. RIP Steve
  12. [attachmentid=6855] I like coloured rims I was so vain I even sprayed my kris holm blue
  13. f*cking lovely! This is one of the best vids ive seen in a while actually, I thought Id comment now to bump it Very nicely done and the song is so ace too
  14. www.confused.com for a rough guide. Not amazing though and mine keeps losing my details prob be about £1000 to be honest
  15. Can I ask were you drunk when you made this topic? Having said that I know what you mean but I can't remember it if you get me? Do an "impression" and see if it triggers any memories Got one for you
  16. You were so waiting for someone to say that so you could leap in with that very clever observation Hmmm I can't really think of any countries that aren't British but are connected to Britain.......
  17. It has been done before, and it doesn't work, as people would much rather post a brand new topic about themselves in the thougt that we're more likely to read it think again.....
  18. keeping to the silly theme: if i buy tryall's can i be a miserable sod?
  19. I've only just taken the time to study your avatar and realise what it is. and semi-lolled at it
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