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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. can your bike take a bash plate? if not I suggest extreme caution heh heh
  2. Reminds me, Ive got an unreleased one courtesy of CB productions
  3. Still dont understand the punching bars bit
  4. Hes joking before you start going manic on him Ali is my hero I love his old school ways and hes very original in his moves. So different from everything else As for the vids wait until he sees this thread and im sure he'll be kind enough to send you in the right direction
  5. Bit of beefage How has it managed to get stuck in there btw? I overtighten mine and i can still yank it out (no jokes per-lease) Ah well getting fixed anyway
  6. New game. Complete the sentance below, inserting a country/area at the end: The best thing to come out of ______ is: My example: The best thing to come out of Yorkshire is: Yorkshire puddings, they're so nice and tasty....yummy yummy
  7. PaRtZ

    The Bell Law

    I met some nonce on the cycle path today. I just shouted "EXCUSE ME" and he shat himself then moved. Providing myself with quality laughing material and averting the cause of danger No problem.
  8. Keep all the bits and decide on a new frame I suggest the zona zip cos it feels ace
  9. "Don't say your wife, don't say your wife....." Ummm your.....son... Family guy? no? bugger.....
  10. PaRtZ


    i watched a program on them a while a go. basically those circular floating ones were the results of secret military research into different types of bombers or something like that They dont contain aliens dave
  11. I have to admit most of the dreams I control are usually about me shagging some hot, big breasted blonde Can't remember last nights though
  12. Oh yeah, but then again so can a carefully setup magura
  13. I gave my number to a ninja because I was drunk Have a slight feeling thats true to be honest....
  14. ************************************ To Will Arnold!! ************************************ Who is 19 today happy birthday la'
  15. wow thats great nice shots and good riding. Putting an appalling amount of effort into riding is a good thing though
  16. If you want a loud squeak, just nail a mouse to your rim
  17. lol you bitch anyway if trials was cheap, everyone including all the scrotes in the world would be doing it
  18. hehe thats a good one A man walks into a fancy dress party with a condom on his nose. His mates ask him "what have you come as?" he says "f*ck knows"
  19. The last two times ive ground my rim, its been wank when Im trying to say hold it on the backwheel on a slope going up. To describe it another way, If i were to manual and about to loop out, if I brake it WILL grab me really well. But if I was lowering my bike from backwheel position or "fakieing" the bike back between my legs it would barely hold at all. Grind seems quite beasty pads are square to the rim, cant think of anything else. Any ideas anyone?
  20. im not for sale on fridays im afraid
  21. Searched for my name and put Conway (my county) and came up with a friends bebo homepage whose surname is conway
  22. Well as I dont have photoshop I guess paint will have to do [attachmentid=6933]
  23. You'll have to forgive my enthusiasm on this topic. See attached.... [attachmentid=6932]
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