K ready for a quick story? Ive been with my girlfriend *technically* for about 12 months but officially 2 (look in the girl trouble thread, she WAS my f*ck buddy now my gf)I really loved her, honestly I'd do anything for her and just loved to spend time with her, even if it was just talking. Anyway she posed the question to me a couple of weeks ago "What we going to do when I go to uni?" Now i immediatly thought, theres no way Im going to be able to resist other girls with her away so instead of cheating on her, I told her honestly that we should split so that she can "experiance" relationships with other guys. Bare in mind that im the only boyfriend shes ever had, I didn't want her to go through life thinking she had men dialled just because she knows how to turn me on. Anyway I told her that and we agreed that thats what we'll do. Now shes gone, I haven't heard from her in 2 days and she at Uni and even though Im going to see her on Monday, I really can't wait to see her again! Im in a real mess about this because I want to stay with her, but at the same time I don't want her to feel that she's tied to me because Im not there. Especially considering its fresher's week....... I'm going to stick to my guns because I think that by splitting with her she wont feel bad if i sleep with someone else. And similar if she does too. It'll feel bad for a bit but I think its something I gotta get used to So in short no, don't cheat on her. If you want someone else then dump your gf, but be warned regardless of how amazing the sex with the new person could be, it won't beat a proper relationship. EVER.