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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. Haha that was great, loved that bail in west shore although it did look painful lolz you've become the rail gap beast now boyo. Better lose some weight.
  2. Sounds good to me! Just goes to show it isnt always the shops fault!
  3. what was it out of interest?
  4. PaRtZ


    im in the space scouts....no im not really lol Never occurred to me to be honest, I was probably too fat and assumed that any sort of military work would mean running marathons and thus be my downfall immediatly lol Mate of mine was in air cadets, hes gone on to chester college, I think hes still with them
  5. You're right I mis-read, have edited now thanks
  6. literally? by you? your typing and wheelbuilding AT THE SAME time? get a vid up of it
  7. That does seem very odd. I've not dealt with dan before but he's always seemed like a reliable person Im sure he'll come on here an explain whats happened but i stil agree that its a bit out of order that hes not giving you your frame ( swift and easy editing)
  8. whats the problem there though? You join the south west club (which Im doing, I live in north wales) use the priviliges for the comp, and then if you need to use the license again, simply say you're from the south west club
  9. I think you need to take some advice from your name and lose weight love you really. fat is god good lol you bitch Just grab a new shell and whack it all in again. But make sure profile pay for it! (i.e. send it back for them to do)
  10. whistle it for us and post it up here is it off an advert? www.visit4info.com if it is
  11. RIP guys. My thoughts go out to family and friends and you Smo. All you can do is think about the good times
  12. hang on... correct me if im wrong You had your first driving lesson the other day And now your test is 2 months away? I hope you mean your theory.....
  13. I have 1.6 and its good enough for me
  14. But if its an "old school" frame (forgive my neanderthal (ba dum dum tish) terms) surely old school riders will currently be extremely excited at the thought of buying one of these frames for such a cheap price? I definitly think koxx has done well here lol
  15. yeah and the gigapipes.....and the plantinum pro's..... and all those trials specific BB's Pretty much any bb that works is worth it. I've run a £12 bb and it lasted ages until the axle chamfered slightly too much but still lasted about 9-12 months
  16. onza zoot good to get started on for 24" anyway
  17. PaRtZ

    Kit Car

    not too sure you can do that with kit car's to be honest. I asked that in my case and said no
  18. Technically this is against ebay rules Because the seller does not own the boy's sole or if he is in possesion it is stolen as he says he is selling it? *reports to ebay
  19. Why aren't you a senior member then? heh heh To be honest its tom + dannys forum anyway. If they want to ban anyway for the fun of it, its at them to do so. I think you've done a great job guys *gives love to both* and you're doing a good job too
  20. not a fan sorry. Youve done well to build it from nothing though
  21. toxsin booster And that bike is soooooooooooooo nice :$
  22. ^^ I've asked this and awaiting a reply. When I get it I'll post it up here to AVOID EVERYONE ASKING/PESTERING
  23. Is this a definite definite? 100% etc
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