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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. sooo how do you get the menu bar above the address bar? Ive tried dragging it but it doesnt want to move anywhere
  2. A couple of the scousers do it, A couple of riders here do it too Go for it
  3. I think Petes been owned again, by JT That FP bike looks quite...um....funnky? retro? groovy? I don't really know lol
  4. PaRtZ

    Router Question

    Check the settings on the admin page thing to make sure its not reset/been fiddled with to broadcast the aerials at 50% or whatever it is Try resetting the system? Ony if you know how to get your current settings back though
  5. ctrl + F5 sometimes helps
  6. Basically you pay a bit more and you go join another queue which is more expensive, therefore less popular therefore quicker
  7. Is it just me or does he seem to be drunk EVERY night? or atleast every other night? And come to think of it, how can there be that much alcohol in such a small village in the middle of wales?
  8. mounts...i think....to be honest its that much effort to try and understand i dont care
  9. PaRtZ


    its funny this comes up actually, my 18y/o gf had a chat with someone called "poopipe12@hotmail.com" ..... only joking poopy
  10. Both statements are true but im afraid for me the first outweighs the second. Ony because I went to give a blood sample for chrons research (long story) basically it was just giving about 300ml or something small of blood the same way as normal. I threw up :$ Ever since I've wanted to give blood but just not had the courage to do so because of that time.
  11. I must be the only person who think you look like a mini matt arkwright but never mind Good riding you beast Can't really think of anything else yeah nice one
  12. Looks better with you standing on the pedals, moving, most likely spinning as well but on its own its a bit poo. sorry
  13. Just booked it off now! I can give lift to atleast 1 person depending on who else from N wales is going
  14. Whats this I've heard about a new channel five called feisty or something Its supposed to be mostly porn lol
  15. So when is this happening? I would like sometime in february (only because I can't holiday in december or january cos of work)
  16. PaRtZ

    Pro-mo Promo

    i think gays a no-mo Just the thought seems wrong. I mean why have anal when you can get a blow up doll atleast the doll is MEANT to be feminine
  17. a nice big bossumed blonde on an ashton, beckoning me to ride as she unzips her hot pants last time that happened I woke up with damp sheets :$
  18. its obviously 8910ft. Look at the size on it mind you the tf measurer will prob say about 8911 or 8912....
  19. Sound familiar? Mine used to be so irritating id kick it. It actually fixed it in a couple of instances. The broken fan probably wont help but might be something up with the bios (sorry to state the obvious lol) My pc isn't as bad as that though, You just have to turn it on, off then on again while the fan is still whirring.... Don't we all love pc's
  20. Ok but what if you're too tired to have a wank because you're not sleeping in the first place? ha-ha got you there old beans...
  21. PaRtZ

    Sneek Peak

    someones stolen your rotor. sorry no one said it so i thought i would Looks sexy-you-al almost orgasmic Nice one BTW did the bed come free with it?
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