If your beginning theres no point in building a bike from scratch because although you will learn alot about components, what good is that going to be when you can't ride trials harshly enough to fix them when they go wrong? So i advise against building from scratch That ebay bike is good if you can get it for under £150 its a fairly old T-pro so theres a chance its been hammered already, but still doesn't mean its going to break when you get on it and start learning to back hop. If you have the time and/or paitience, keep searching ebay until you find a better bike or one that you like the look of more. Right, now that you've got your bike (you haven't yet, im just saying that for theatrical purposes) you need to learn to ride www.trashzen.com has animations on all the moves that I think anyone has ever done ever on a trials bike. However its not always the best to learn solely from that. Go to rides and meet other riders and ask for tips from them. Thats one good thing about trials is that it doesn't matter how crap you are, people will still associate themselves with you (unless you're an annoying tit) because you're a trials rider Final word of advice is practice. Like ateast 1-2 hours a day. Even if its just riding slowly, thats still part of balancing which is crucial. Hope you enjoy the sport as much as I Matt