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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. *sigh those were the days
  2. good news was on the news last night if anyone watched it.... a norwegian (or one of them ^countries ) has managed to crack it and created a program for getting round the problem I personally dont have any problems at all: Because I dont have one
  3. ahhh I remember those cannondale thingymabobs I learnt to kickhop in a month :thumbsup: and then it just progressed from that By the way kids, how high you can drop is not how good you are. I can drop about 12 foot but that doesn't mean im good. Even if Ben Savage has dropped 15ft it doesn't make me close to Elite status
  4. If your beginning theres no point in building a bike from scratch because although you will learn alot about components, what good is that going to be when you can't ride trials harshly enough to fix them when they go wrong? So i advise against building from scratch That ebay bike is good if you can get it for under £150 its a fairly old T-pro so theres a chance its been hammered already, but still doesn't mean its going to break when you get on it and start learning to back hop. If you have the time and/or paitience, keep searching ebay until you find a better bike or one that you like the look of more. Right, now that you've got your bike (you haven't yet, im just saying that for theatrical purposes) you need to learn to ride www.trashzen.com has animations on all the moves that I think anyone has ever done ever on a trials bike. However its not always the best to learn solely from that. Go to rides and meet other riders and ask for tips from them. Thats one good thing about trials is that it doesn't matter how crap you are, people will still associate themselves with you (unless you're an annoying tit) because you're a trials rider Final word of advice is practice. Like ateast 1-2 hours a day. Even if its just riding slowly, thats still part of balancing which is crucial. Hope you enjoy the sport as much as I Matt
  5. Im after the video with James porter, Its a DIVX file and the music is Finch - Ink. Its the one where he has his name edited onto a lamp post Thanks
  6. no, its because you talk crap. you seem to reply in every single topic no matter how different they are. I mean lets get some basic info here you say you work for intel in one thread, yet canon in another? Both of which you're testing new products for both. 2 highly skilled highly different jobs? I managed two jobs once but nothing like that.... bah i give up lol ill let someone else take over....
  7. I admittedly drive over the limit, not greatly but enough. But I'd only ever do it if I am alone of if I can handle it on the road etc. Have to say woman drivers that I know think they are ACE at driving. These examples have 80% crashed at least 1 car within their first year of passing.
  8. oh my god i want that bighitzorz :o
  9. they need to be approved of first. Hoepfully they wil be
  10. haha I know thats why im going to win lol
  11. I tried sandpapering and filing because I was scared of destroying my rim. Both had very crap results and in the end i just gave up and grinded it
  12. [attachmentid=7721] [attachmentid=7722] I know the brake pads a bit out of line but has been fixed now. New bits are: Gu cranks V8 pedals Clear hosing (thanks to King chan ) Czar lever EDIT: and the zoo booster You may notice the blue tint to the hosing too. That because i added blue food dye to the water to make it blue water I know a lot of people think this is like a waste of money so ill explain why I think its not. Basically now that im working more or less full time, Im finding it hard to get time to ride my bike and its much easier for me to just upgrade it/pimp it etc. I really enjoy just tweaking my bike too, no matter how much of a pain it actually is to do, I REALLY like it. I even considered building a new "spare" wheel because of this, but naturally that would be financially silly. Ofcourse riding it is much more satisfying but at the moment too much effort. So there you have it, thats my "excuse"
  13. Is it just me who think the magazine title "slitz" is slightly funny?
  14. OK the comp will begin @ tommorrow night at 7:00pm Everyone post the hyperlinks here when done lol Its going to be interesting seeing what people think attract ladies lol
  15. Pete, stop thinking you own everyone in NMC, You're part of them too FINALLY getting back on topic I actually like the frame, but im sure its old news and I've seen it somewhere else. Still its good
  16. :| I just booked november the 4th off. ah well 1 less
  17. How about an activity weekend/ day out like tank driving, plane flying, paintballing etc.
  18. OK i just came up with this idea for faceparty (cos its simpler to use than myspace etc) All you do is make a brand new account and set yourself up on it. But all you're allowed to do is 2 pictures (Of your choice) and fill out 6 of the questions they ask. Then we'll see who manages to gain the most female attention as poss Thoughts (dare I ask) lol?
  19. Im sure I heard that it had been fobbed off and cancelled due to finance problems i think not sure though, theres been no news so I doubt it happened
  20. lol did you forget you made this post? or inadvertedly bump it within 12 minutes At any rate best place I've ridden is....Ogwen
  21. Im with poopipe on this one. Snot of that quantity must be faked
  22. PaRtZ

    Bebo Skins

    umm don't you just click on "become a featured artist" and do it that way?
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