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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. Im geting the train now ill be there about 11:36 i think it said or 12 ish depending on how fat i am
  2. noooooo you cant do this to the turtles! i hate all these films, they turn my childhood cartoons into a hollywood moneymaker Im still awaiting a metal gear solid movie though...
  3. PaRtZ

    Who Likes Me?

    I dont technically have anything against you. Just some of the stuff you put on here makes me think you deserve to have a list of enemies but like i said, youve never said anything to me so i dont care
  4. Nadolig Llawen (welsh version) I got £115 cadburys heroes jelly babies and a wash bag see how spolit you guys are now? heh heh
  5. ok 2 clues: its made out of a fabric Its usually hung Merry christmas
  6. In our case, the transit wont be commercial because we're not a company? i thinx the age thing: http://www.driving-abroad.info/driving-in-france
  7. Well the reason I wanted a van was because theres gna be 5 of us going and 2 cars = twice the fuel and hassle. Plus its a bit of fun, its something I've wanted to do for a while. I forgot to say we're actually planning on going to germany for a week before hand too so it will be heading that way too. Im not overly keen on a trailer because of the fact if something happens ie it falls off, theres nothing I can do except watch other cars crash into it
  8. the frame snapping? a couple of people on here have had a moan at onza because they were bashing the hell out of their bash plates and were shocked to find the bolt mount had sheared off or bent of something stupid as for the freewheel, it probably will, depends on what you're doing really. Upgrade it to an acs claws as soon as you can. They're cheap and quite reliable
  9. Billy Talent kabc ot eth refuut (movie)
  10. Ive done a search and cant find anything. Basically for koxx days me and will (will arnold) were thinking about buying a van off ebay and driving it abroad so we can fit all the bikes in, sleep in etc etc. Ive done a bit of research last 2 nights, and it seems that so long as the van weight is under the limit of my current license (ie under 3500kg) , All i need is: a V62 document from the post office (which will give me a V5 or a V5c which will let me drive the vehicle abroad) Insurance for a month, with me and will as drivers itll be about £300 a month which is reasonable i think considering our positions My passport and other doucments ie insurance certificates etc. and thats it really. Now i may be just being paranoid but that seems a bit simple? I don't need an European license because france and germany are countries in the EU so im ok there. So yeah can anyone think of anything else?
  11. Im just awaiting the gods (tom and danny) to explain
  12. EDIT sorry i was drunk, ignore this bit I think you should go for it as frenchman says, doesnt matter how fit a bird in a nightclub is, it never beats the feeling that you've got someone who loves you so much Thats how I feel with my gf anyway. I rather nice bird was after a snog last night but i just was overcome with "oh shit dont do it" so i didnt cos i love my missus Go for it
  13. i too am salo a bit drunk, but im gd enough to spell. had a good night ut got boring in the end so walked home, some chavs shouted wanker at me so i shouted willy bacj a t them they stopped the car so i ran at it and they drove of the bastards then got picked up by my loveable blonde buddy who took me to get a pizza and dropped me off home smashing
  14. Not alot of people use them because there are many more, better, reliable, longer lasting pads out on the market at the moment. Greenfrogs aren't really a pro choice because they're performance is similar to a koolstop or even a standard magura pad. Heatsink, Plazmatic, Koxx are the sort of pads you're after
  15. might do ill pm you later if i find out i can borrow a 3 biked bike rack
  16. only thing is though kris, the toothbrush holder would be in constant use? (holding atleast 1 toothbrush) Good thinking though, I cant get my brain to think about the 6 and 7 in two different ways
  17. maybe thats a clue umm a thermostat adjustment dial ?
  18. yeah im sure mine did quite a bit EDIT:
  19. Very good guide, thanks alot
  20. With the amount of people going, the leeds boys are probably sitting there thinking "holy crap what have we done...." lol 100 riders in one place. That should be news material Im gna put my horn back on for this too
  21. Yes this is my first time and Ill be there too. Gna need directions and that though
  22. Mostly for the locals, everyone to meet at the lake ogwen car park (place where they sell toasties and that) at about 11:00 So far its: Me Josh Ducko Matt R come on fellas EDIT: Ok I've hit a snag in that I don't have a car tommorrow sorry guys
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