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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. PaRtZ

    PaRtZ - Koxx days 2008 part 2

    Riding from Koxx days 2008 part 2
  2. PaRtZ

    PaRtZ - Koxx days 2008 part 1

    Koxx days 2008 riding part 1
  3. PaRtZ


  4. A ghost once shat in my bed.
  5. Nice one slug. And the other two looking smooooooth! Jacks getting all big now!
  6. I think I might go... Im organising a climbing trip to mid germany around this time, so might have to move it... How much did people take last time? Anyone up for sharing an estate with me and driving there? Also, is it ok to turn up on the second say?
  7. why hasnt this been posted before? Although I think its clear that there is no relation
  8. Id say a little more simps up to £200 I would say
  9. Id completely forgotten about you until now, sorry. I did like your videos to be honest, pretty mental!
  10. I have 6, no idea where from though...
  11. Has anyone bled a 2011 HS33 with water yet? Seem OK to do? I've got to trim the hose down from the 6ft provided down to a sensible length and not got any 'oil' ta
  12. Having a dippy moment here. Im putting in the OUTBOUND spokes of my wheel now after putting in both sides of INBOUND spokes. The wheel on non disc side is 2x, so with the non disc flange facing upwards, the OUTBOUND spokes weave OVER the first cross, and UNDER the second cross? Im pretty sure thats right, but it looks a bit....stressed?
  13. PaRtZ

    Cnced Dominoes

    If the price came down to around £50 I would buy a set as a gift for someone for sure. How about a CNC keyboard? or a CNC pencil/pen?
  14. Anyone coming from portsmouth may be able to grab a lift from me. Although I don't know how much room Ill have in/on the car as I may be bringing a sofa... PM if interested though
  15. not really, especially id it means you have no time to get the grades you need to get IN to uni Where is it youre looking at going? Which uni?
  16. Yeah Id seriously question that cost. Universities know how much is available moneywise and they wouldn't charge something like that unless your a posh rich b*****d who can afford it (which most of us aren't) Find alternative university managed accomodation, there MUST be cheaper alternatives around. Failing that, in your second year you typically have to find your own house to live in and for swansea they price around £50 - £80 a week. Even then rent is about £960 a term, third term is shorter so its around £2700 a year? I went to the student loans company for mine. Easy enough and we were shown it was 'the norm'. God bless the conservatives eh? wankers.....
  17. wow 4 pages without this, Im surprised to be the one to post it...
  18. clearly a myspaceholic here....
  19. I liked it. Reminded me of when I first started (especially the song choice ) Good effort on the riding! You've got to remove the ramp up now and hop up instead! Good effort guys
  20. hero. If I get a court summons, Ill sue them for loss of earnings too, but I won't let them in as you've suggested. The whole situation is stupid. The DVLA don't send inspectors round asking if occupants have a driving license, and warn them that its illegal to drive without a license and threaten to take them to court if they can prove they don't have access to a car :/
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