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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. OK calling anyone who knows this sorta stuff Ive just installed visual basic studio 2005 edition and Im looking at the c++ side and learning the code. I know its a long and hard process, so i decided to copy an example from the internet, and now that I've understood it in my head, I want to make it into an executable. So I make a notepad file and save it as a .cpp and then the tutorial from microsoft says to use the visual studio command prompt and just type in a certain thing and it will make the .exe But when i do it, it does loads of things, and then just ends with an error about the .obj I can copy the full list of what happens if anyone needs it, or unless someone knows whats happened straight away? I've not configured it at all because it doesn't say anything about configuring it on the website/tutorial pages. So any ideas initally? Much appreciated
  2. PaRtZ

    Koxx Days 2007

    So, I have to write an application to yourself fred if I just want to camp, and NOT take part in the comp? Please say correct or something similar
  3. and no helmet As for the vid, the music didn't suit it at all. There was too much un needed slow mo for my liking (like on the setup to a sidehop etc) and the angles were a bit funny. Good effort though none the less
  4. PaRtZ

    Koxx Days 2007

    im defintly not riding the comp and defintly am riding buthiers
  5. PaRtZ


    The first military uniforms to have seemingly pointless buttons on the forearm, near the wrist, were the navy. An officer of some sort (can't remember) odered the men to sew buttons near the cuffs of their sleeves to stop the slovenly ones from wiping their nose on their uniform Santa did exist... thats no joke
  6. Nice one dave, youve started an emo thread
  7. Pinky squeaks to drop combinations are endless....
  8. damnit... buy it wayne!!! buy it hard!!!
  9. I think bullet for my valentine was the first album name then the second is the poison
  10. ive run a cable through the centre, meh didnt do much for me and got in the way cos my cable was so long lol im tempted but not sure if i cba
  11. bah come up north! sam will testify its ace here
  12. PaRtZ

    Koxx Days 2007

    Anyone fancy staying here instead if theres not enough places: http://www.campingfrance.com/fiche.jsp?fic...=uk&ch=geo#
  13. *awaits spunky monkey boy to post Is a shame hopefully some enviromental ways from howies will rub off onto timberland. Even if its just small things, it'll help doubt it though
  14. lol Nice to see F-set have been outdone. I tried getting in touch with them but they seem to have gone to hawaii or whatever Looks good, I'd get one
  15. haha what you trying to say? Can i point out that i was never pissed off about going to the meal with her? it was just the fact that shes had such a big go at me cos of something I would have thought is quite minor. I don't see why shes blown it up this big. Anyway enoughs enough, im seeing her tomoz to sort it out
  16. I do! Have you still got it? As i want to have a go!!!!!! :D Very nice work bigman, especialy on the rotors, nice intricate detail
  17. heres one of theirs http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/download....6NTM228AABY8aB0
  18. funny looking mod. Never mind Does look nice and interesting and un-long-low and silver
  19. lol looks good i reckon lol looks good i reckon
  20. Its not as if ive never met the family before, Ive met her extended family when we first met and they were fine. Her family's really nice, I have nothing against it at all. I just cant explain it, but i don't like sitting down and being calm and polite with people i can't say "f*ck" infront of for example. People who aren't my mates etc etc. Im not moaning about this, its all sorted now..pretty much but i just dont understand why she'd REALLY have a go at me in the first place instead of talking to me quietly explaining I've insulted her family Im seeing her tomoz, no doubt itll kick off again lolz never mind. OK my problems over
  21. I don't know what it is though, it seems at times she just wants an argument with me for the hell of it and its not as if she planned the meal for all of us, cos he said "me my mum and my sis are going and you can come too" so i see that as not a big thing if it wasn't a plan for me to be there Anyway I think its resolved a bit more now but if this carries on, im not too sure if i want to still be with her, cos all this arguing IS pointless
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