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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. Well as the magura slave power isn't being used to push the chain stays apart (because the booster stops the flex), more power goes onto the rim
  2. not mandatory, but reciepts of any work done. Also a must is the handbook
  3. PaRtZ


    I have the same problem in my penis. so i stopped wanking craig I suggest you do the same, it may help
  4. i just ticked the box ok never mind lol
  5. PaRtZ

    Koxx Camp 07

    (Y) £26 return?! as in £13 ish each way? :o :o
  6. if one man can, its ali Ive seen loads of people have there wheels on two parallel rails, and then 180 and land on rear wheel, but as you said mr hopper, one rail to one rail sounds amazingly hard
  7. maybe she just likes to play her bongos alot
  8. because we're better than you
  9. wel i changed them and got them running again, seems fine and stop me so i cant complain. Maybe if I ground the disc in a radial pattern it will help? ........
  10. yay that was reet ace nice video whoever edited it some big moves there boys! nice!
  11. I say either Leeds or brum Even the regular rides are big there and if its a special occaision..... Might be worth seeing if BBC or someone will sponsor. Maybe MAD will do a MASSIVE demo?
  12. Three Albums - Dream evil - evilized, Edguy - Rocket ride, Limp bizkit - Chocolate starfish + hotdog flavoured water Three Films - Grand theft anal 3, GET 1, Anchorman One Book - "how to escape from a desrt island in 30 days" One luxury item - my missus Your favourite riding spot - Lake Ogwen
  13. PaRtZ

    Alias Name

    'Sergeant bash'? dedicated to front freewheel/cog protection on trials bikes?
  14. replacing my pads now and just felt that my disc has an un-even surface. Going along a radius, it goes +/- 1mm in a few places. My question is simply is it ok for me to put new pads on or do i HAVE to get new discs? thanks
  15. does the word "overkill" mean anything to you? i cant talk though, I do that. with RA2 I usually get about 12 prism tanks and just anhiliate everything
  16. if the gas was expanded would it make the explosion more violent? cos you could like suck some of the air out using a pump?
  17. PaRtZ

    Buying Car Bits

    yeah thats what I wondered but depending on how much they charge you probs be better off getting them from a normal shop Anyway I got 4 new pads from my lcs (local car shop ) cost me £22 which isn't bad i reckon. Just going to see if I need discs too now........
  18. highpoint antishock poles, 2 for £19.99 at blacks sooooo has anyone recieved a bike yet? maybe its not full size and is actually a carbon model that weighs 17.5kgs
  19. I can smell it from here.... EDIT: Before I forget does anyone know where I can find the legal limits of bringing booze back with me?
  20. hell yes its actually better at 18 than 17. my 1.1 saxo was about £2500 per anum but now its about £1700 still quite high but better all the same Do your pass plus too! its taken £40 a month off my insurance ~ £480 a year?
  21. lol thanks but my skoda's a bit reliable now. Once i get the brakes sorted and remove the gearstick wobbleage ill be laughing (manically) Ill looked on the site and it says that the fee is un-returnable and if i did want to change it id have had to have to paid double but we might just ride calais for a day and wait for you? we'll have a beer ready, or some oringina
  22. just seeing how you guys buy your bits. Basically I have no brake pad left and wondering if I should buy online because its easier, go to a shop because its instant, or go to a scrapyard cos its cheaper Ill probably go to a local shop but just seeing what you guys would do. Halfords aint got them in before anyone says
  23. na in maya you can create multiple key frames so you make the animation in the program, but you can only export a single image but ive found a way to batch export the frames and thus: very crude but im working on it.
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