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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. PaRtZ

    *best Of Partz*

    hahaha cheers inur, its become a habit now now available here for streaming http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=566546215
  2. PaRtZ

    Bye Bye!

    again mate good luck, hop it goes well and is painless also, seen as how the nurses know you now, perhaps a few pics of any hotties?
  3. its come today 2 days early which is good
  4. hahahaha nice one inur sounds ace, hope it works man
  5. PaRtZ

    Koxx Camp 07

    so long as you're not squeezing my tea bag, thats fine
  6. because he smells? i dunno, maybe hes royaly pissed someone off?
  7. Theres a shoe rule? Im sure ali would have worn his 661 duallys
  8. its not *technically* a spacer, because its part of the driver itself (ie it doesn't drop out it you tap it) I don't know if there were different versions, because I recall you having problems and my driver sounded different to yours. All I know is I broke 3 vices in school trying to *push* the bearings out one side, when all the time I was pushing against this "shelf"
  9. Im not really bothered about smokers. My mum's been smoking ever since i was about 2-3 so im pretty much used to it. Its weird in certain times the smell of smoke is reallly nice :S !!!!! obviously when im choked by it I just want to get out, but just the smell..... hmm.... yeah in pubs and stuff again, im not bothered by it, but I can completly sympathise with those that hate it. smokers may as well just go round kicking everyone in the immediate area, it still causes damage....
  10. PaRtZ

    Koxx Camp 07

    --> QUOTE(joe b @ Mar 12 2007, 10:02 PM) ←What will you be doing for so long ? riding? drinking? having a holiday? ill be in a foreign country with money. the possibilities are ENDLESS
  11. not sure if its because my products were out of stock but being the tight bum i am i opted for the free delivery option for 2 albums. 2 weeks later....they're going to arrive in the next couple of days so don't use it if you're buying something urgent lol its NOT a con, its just I didn't expect it to be so late so be warned.... [/public announcement]
  12. do something thats current and up to date, otherwise its boring. Also you can use the millions of news websites for information For my german exam I had to do about the problems of being young, German media, alternative energy sources (erneubar energie quelle before someone asks ) pollution and a few other random stuff do it on crime in your area? surely you and everyone in your class has noticed that so it'd get everyone involved. Could even get the audience to take part in "guess who raped who last night" quiz
  13. not bad, great promo music works really well. that gap to tyre though looks quite big fair play for getting it
  14. really? so you've never heard of an x-lite snapping? like mine for example:
  15. ill finish it then "And the last one" looks disgusting. double you, tee, eff
  16. Scratched my car on the stone gate post yesterday Drove into the coal bunker just now ahahaha. not looking good
  17. nice effort fred, but its got to be DEAD head on. For example, this is the one I used for the monsterboy:
  18. If you broke the wall, im glad they've finally got you. I don't understand why you're annoyed, if you vandalised it, expect to pay the price?
  19. haha nice sam, im sure your dad can show you hows its done hehehe
  20. doing some modelling, I need a good picture of a trials rider (or anyone with a helmet on) in a "T" shape (arms out horizontal) from the front and side. If you cant find one and want to be my reference image, feel free. just make sure the background is whited out through paint or photoshop which ever and you've got good light source. Thanks guys
  21. PaRtZ

    Koxx Camp 07

    lol we'll get to dunkerque at approximately 15:30 hours where we will open the doors of the ships and charge up the beach with rifles in hand, use the flamethrower on any guards and then take command of the stronghold back home in time for tea and medals
  22. PaRtZ


    Its the same with any sport. 8 year olds determined to be the next tony hawk. They see me in a riding spot and say "Im getting a trials bike I am" and seriously, i just laugh and say "you wont, you wont stick it out, it takes a month of 2 hours a night practice to learn to get on the back wheel". Which is true, it took me a month to do and im glad I stuck it out, but alot of kids these days just want a quick sport you can pick up in minutes. They'll soon realise that trials isn't one of them and give up soon, because if they don't give up and stick at it, then they realise what its really like to be a trials rider (sorry if thats philisophical) and they *should* become normal
  23. PaRtZ

    *best Of Partz*

    thanks for the replies guys glad it got a good reaction keep em coming
  24. PaRtZ

    Koxx Camp 07

    lol james we're setting off at 7pm getting the ferry at 4pm the next day then just bumming around the port for a bit lol
  25. PaRtZ

    *best Of Partz*

    Before you download, take a breath and read in so you know what to expect: This video contains 4:43 minutes of all the best memories I have on a trials bike. It covers all 2 and a bit years of riding that I've done, with the clips (in no order) showing myself at different levels of ability. Because its at different levels, don't expect every clip to be a 40" sidehop or 8 foot drop gap. Maybe now I can do that stuff, but DEFINITLY not when I was 16. I made it at this point because its the last video containing footage of me on the zona zip. I now have a megamo so Ill be starting a fresh on that, might even erase all old footage to free up a bit of disc space. Its intended as an ARTY vid, hopefully with pleasing editing which has only taken me 2 months to put together.... now the link: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/partz Looking for "Best of PaRtZ.avi" Hope you enjoy, please post comments, just minimize this window whilst downloading If anyone has any troubles with divx, post asap and Ill put a different file extension up and yeah thats it
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