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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. You're using a corrosive fluid (albeit in a controlled manner) and rubbing it all over your frame. I'd say yes. If you did it to a dishwasher and took it back to currys, I doubt they'd replace it...
  2. what version you guys using?
  3. desktop. It can runminecraft in sandbox mode easily but its just online. I dig up some dirt it takes about 5 seconds before i can pick it up!
  4. tried it again and still struggling
  5. i get so much lag on these servers and i dont know why has anyone else suffered/knows a fix?
  6. Is this thread similar to the storyline of metal gear solid 2?
  7. PaRtZ

    Red Echo

    loooks sweet man! cant wait to see it out! Unfortunately, its gna be a while till you see me on a bike again... Check facebook for more details... But yeah that bike is fit as!
  8. PaRtZ


    well apparently the port forward button my router is a lie...
  9. PaRtZ


    I cant seem to find a way to host + play I might have one working. who wants pm?
  10. PaRtZ


    im game for a couple of hours tonight?
  11. PaRtZ


    think you need to elaborate a bit more. You bought a code? How? Through paypal? What does the code do?
  12. PaRtZ


    possibly have a server on? not sure. have sent you a pm to test it jt
  13. PaRtZ


    looking into it now....
  14. PaRtZ


    Can anyone hold a server? is this like live for speed style server?
  15. PaRtZ


    Ive never tried multiplayer before. Want a game?
  16. PaRtZ


    well I hate you JT After reading this I got intrigued and then got hooked
  17. so on a completely different view of 'energy crisis'... Fukushima nuclear plant set to blow? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12720219
  18. My second/replacement hard drive is now dying. I keep getting 'boot load error' displayed everytime I try to boot up so I think its wise to get a new HD before it packs up all together. I really want some guidance from those in the know of a hard drive manufacturer that will last me over a year (I lost the warranty for this one, but I think its just outside a year). So im after a reputable make, about 500gb - 1tb, fastest RPM as poss (unless that causes the problems? ) If anyone has some possible solutions / things to try im all ears too Thanks
  19. I may be interested in this... Wheres the meeting place?
  20. Heading to frankenjura in july if interested? So as soon as I finish my work placement, head to Dressler hopefully for the camp there. Then come back, say bye to the gf for 6 months but then head to Franeknjura, Germany for a week long sport climbing epic. Then come back and just do a lot of climbing at local crags, maybe even some mountaineering, multipitch epics. Then ride when Im not doing the above Travelling alot would be nice if I've saved up the moneys
  21. well Thunderbolt is going to become readily available in the very near future (super fast USB connections) so how about the widespread implementation of those clear table tops there was a video of a while ago? Its all touch screen, and can control pretty much anything from the DVD you're watching, to light controls, to TV, to alarm clocks (maybe) even, dare I say, robotic sex slaves?
  22. i meant in school and never said it would help
  23. keep us posted. be interesting to see what happens...
  24. Didn't need them before. Don't need them now. next!
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