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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. yes this is a worry. especially as children watch in amazement at what your doing they dont react when they're in trouble, they just sit there frozen with fear I guess this is why group rides are useful.
  2. PaRtZ

    Nwbt - Cake!

    if im off im defintily up for that
  3. PaRtZ


    think of it like: your on your pc and your sharing over the net. Some people leech, others dont seed an entire file but most times you get a download but with a slow speed. whereas with a private trackers, its a few people in your house, connected directly to you, sharing the whole file at high speed
  4. oh ok im glad i got the right end of the stick
  5. at least it wasn't a wooden spoon. I hate being given that as for my reply i apologise if i seemed too strong. but the only thing that winds me up more than sore losers is sore winners. having the ability to whup everyone else's ass and stil complain seemed crazy to me. Im sure the win was well deserved and stuff like this doesnt put ryan off in future
  6. which is harder surely?
  7. PaRtZ

    Neil T, New Vid

    awesome i wanna know how his bike can take so much abuse and still work lol loving the rolling to front wheel to switch. mmmm. all i could hink to myself was "weeeeee" EDIT: lol ash + limburn
  8. Well I guess im kinda lucky because I can do this sidehop on/off thing. I either make it or crash on the wall and destroy the paintwork snappel still has the question though. What does "count" mean? That you can sidehop that high? All it means to me is that you can get both wheels that high. Another synonym: imagine a balloon dangling high above of you, whilst your standing up. Just because you can jump up and slap the balloon, it doesn't mean you can draw a smiley face on it
  9. Uch probably been posted before but meh I love riding but at the moment im struggling to find the urge to ride because im on my own. I dont know what it is, but if Im with someone else Ill just have the urge to do something either stupidly bigger than normal, or do a move with random crazy spinning in it too. But riding on my own i barely make the effort to keep some moves as good as usual anyone else suffer with this problem? do other people find it easier/harder to ride with other people cos of population density? Does anyone have any methods of getting over the lonely riding fatness? discuss your thoughts
  10. i prefer to just bail if im coming off a sidehop damon is not the only one to have done 58". a few years ago, benito held the record for 60" but im not going to get into the tf tape measure thang. On/off sidehops do look cool imo but to me it doesn't "count" because you haven't got to the top and stayed there. interesting debate this. It seems to be divided between those who measure the inches and those who ride for fun. In all honesty I can see both sides of the argument.
  11. PaRtZ

    What's Your Job?

    sales assistant at blacks. not much to say really oh and I mean blacks outdoor shop not anything else
  12. is that the one where the chrous sounds like "No change, suck my brains, and take me home....know what im sayin?" EDIT: oh yeah and a long shot Im after a flatland videos sound track: expoflatjam.wmv avaialable here http://www.eengoedidee.nl/parsefiles/?type...expoflatjam.wmv
  13. after much searching through google I found him: luol deng
  14. PaRtZ


    may sound like a very obvious thing, but is your download speed restricted? I was getting frustrated for months that a torrent with 54 seeders wouldn't download faster than 9kb/s until i realised my download speed max was 10 kb/s check that first
  15. I vote for leave them. You can set them up to work just as well (although Ive found it harder to set V's up well) as grant says get some heatsink pads maybe even some V coust pads? and a grind and it'll work beasty. Use the search to find out other people's V brake setups
  16. lol whatever the time duration is inbetween these two pics, pete appears to be frozen in time!
  17. The pound for me Firstly its unique But also theres a chance that to meet the criterea of joining the euro, the UK's economy could fall and we could end up living like eskimo's but warmer or something to that effect. so no no to euro
  18. oh dear oh dear hows about the north wales bike trials crew's trip to blackpool. This resulted in: - All of us getting up at 4:00 am and meeting at my house at 5:00. Bare in mind this meant a 30minute car journey for one lad - Travelling to blackpool at such an early time with very little sleep. also not knowing where we're going - Getting to blackpool 3 hours early....whoops. - Whilst warming up, one of the lads snapped his bb and twisted his knee. This overstretched his knee tendons MEANING HE COULDN'T RIDE. £20 GONE, didn't even have a chance to try the sections. - I had a bad case of nerves and 5'ed the first 4 sections embarrassingly - After an exhausting day of poor trials I finished......14th. So instead of a spoon I got NOTHING. Do I complain? NO! because trials isnt about trophies and "what you win" and to be honest any sport shouldn't be about what you win. I had a damn good day that day too. Even though I didn't get a sodding spoon, I dont care. I think its pathetic how you can complain that you feel hard done by because you or your son got something out of competition. Isn't knowing you've got a high place not good enough?
  19. me likes a lot. looks very nice
  20. ok strictly not a ride but my mate has opened up a new bar/club and wants you to go check it out on the 12th june! http://www.myspace.com/blackvalverockvenue <-- all the details are here WHO'S IN?
  21. lol i agree 10x dave! and what everyone else has said on here. If they're starting on a damn good bike, they wont fix it or repair it and ultimately we'll start seeing 221ti's in skips because the chains snapped and therefore they need a whole new bike... :| I wouldn't worry though, these little buggers are crap dave! real trials riders have the philosophy to trials too and understand that its defintly not about winning or being the best but its about chilling out with other riders. until they realise that i dont pay much attention to them
  22. 0YjN-jdi1A4 latest video :0 hope you likes
  23. it comes with koxx's new hope trial (or hope tryall no doubt) brakes. Avids dont actually fit on the rear because theres a weld in the way, and theres a very nicely made recess for where they sit. also the mount is +20mm
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