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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. what would the chain actually do though? Ive heard that old chestnut too
  2. i like it too looks groovy
  3. arghh sorry you're right ive just read it! thanks prawn!!!
  4. some people say use the freezing + boiling water technique but that NEVER works for me in any instance. Drown it in wd40 Grip the cog in a vice. Maybe stick some thick blocks of wood in and squash the cog so that it sticks into the wood? Get a hollow iron/steel bar/rod to slide over your cranks Get pushing!!! Needless to say, the bigger the bar, the more leverage youll have Failing this, you could always drill holes in the cog, nail the bugger to some wood or fix it down either way and then stick that in the vice
  5. ignoring the prospect of the massive "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggg" noise of the grinder
  6. isnt the theory similar to grabbing a long bar with 2 hands and bashin it on your knee and then grabbing a shorter bar and bashing with the same force and seeing which one bends more? sorry its a bad explanantion but meh my brain cant do any better
  7. I see on tarty, the new czar has a rear disc mount. Assuming deng wants complete domination of the trials market, surely he'll bring out a rear (and nicely anodised) disc compatible hub? I know theres the echo ones, but does anyone know if theres any adamant, gu, czar or zoo hubs in the pipeline?
  8. *senses massive spam list/virus spreading technique. haha can anyone who has given their email address confirm whats been sent? And sorry but for a company to send you to do the promotion work is very unprofesssional.... How can anyone buy their stuff when we cant see it? People dont want to be sent emails saying whats for sale. They want pictures so they know in an instant.
  9. what? You trying to say a longer top tube makes it EASIER to bunnyhop? I can bunnyhop a bmx so easily but barely can on my mod. Also manuals are much harder on a trials bike because of this top tube distance making it harder to pull the front end up. Switching to a bmx from a trials bike, i went to manual the bmx and went flat on my arse because i wasn't expecting it to come up so easily (no jokes please) You can do trials on any bike to an extent - you can trackstand on any bike which is something everyone has to learn. However poopipes right, you can't learn to backwheel on a bmx with no back brake lol Bmxer, you'd probably be best getting a cheap mod bike off ebay and learning on that. If you're good at bmxing you'll usually learn quicker than people with not a lot of experiance. infact you may even be kickhopping in a week.
  10. neil goes big because he doesn't actually weigh anything. he has to ride with small lead weights in his shoes which means all he has to do is propel that weight
  11. The estimated value of http://www .*certain porn site* is: $81,900 hmmm
  12. im the opposite. on a good day that is. On an average day i can sidehop just under a foot higher than a pedal up Im much more consistant with them too, which is why I prefer to do them because ill know if I can make it or not. With a pedal up its mostly luck at the moment...
  13. i love it when you say things like that. i cant wait to see the outcome now lol
  14. ive got a 150w power invertor in my car, sooo if you can find a grinder that runs of less than that....
  15. I hope you know where you're going will. If not im getting in your car
  16. i can see the benefits of forwards but i just cant grasp the ability to do it lol. plus ive found sidehops can be done on shelf like obstacles so you dont need a run up of any sort
  17. What was the best terrain you ever rode on in trials ? Ogwen, Wales. oh yeah you say it Ben!! good work! trashzen ***
  18. For each of these incidences, assume the obstacle is at a height you are comfortable with. Not something easy, something you can do consistently but not something that you'd push yourself to get. what would you do? I personally try to sidehop as much as I can because im more comfortable with it. Even to thin stuff. So whats the common trend in trials - sidehop or pedal up/tap/hook etc?
  19. I agree, looks lovely. Nice design and good low profile. Looks like a winner imo
  20. cLQ6tV8K3bg a compilation from ages ago. quite a few make me laugh still EDIT: Christ mike that was SWEET!!!!!!
  21. Can anyone from northwales please post up here so we can sort lifts out? So far its me, Will and possibly chris jones + mini ducko. Ducko? josh? if we dont have a lot of people, I dont mind giving lifts to anyone (and we're pretty much on the way to everywhere)
  22. PaRtZ

    Hoesel 20"

    *Join the darkside Ben.... Join us....* Looks swish paintjob but if it costs another £20 id still rather get a standard xtp and spray it up myself
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