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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. been okish here. I leave about 5 metres above sea level and its ok. i came in my pants before though so thats the only moisture I've encountered EDIT: Are they your mates in the picture I can see? seem pretty happy to me....
  2. looks awesome stan. Im guessing ozonys the typical french stereotype that we all used to describe french people talking? I do like it though. Looks too tidy and clean lol. Needs a dent in the top tube
  3. PaRtZ

    Damon Video 6

    The clip before the bail was my favourite. And the moving gate thing was sweet as! ahhahaaa awesome. yeah thought the song was wank but meh never mind. Nicely pieced together too
  4. my mate broke into his colt by bending the door open. Got a chisel (maybe a rag to cushion it too) wedge it in a bend it a bit, then try to pull the lock up and unlock the car door no problem. Couple of dodgy looks but it was his car so meh
  5. PaRtZ

    Hose Splitter

    I had a go. Feels like a good brake even though it doesn't honk; but it still holds well. top job you bodgeriffic muffin
  6. somebody PLEAASEEEEEE un ban him!!!! this thread is awesome. I think we should have a sub forum for "threads of humour" and in that another section of "pete wright threads"
  7. OK as Stan has provided dates of non comps I think we can go for the 26th of August? Ill see what Matt B says about the ghit's and I might drive as well will, so mucho roomo for people needing lifts! Ill post when I find out about accomodation, but for now, get saving!
  8. haha nice one joe, that was really good. I REALY love you on, off + hold + back on sort of moves. You have a good natural style and a good choice of moves including tricks which is good to see only niggle is that round bench/wall ride thing. PLEASE do it without a pedalkick in it next time aweseome stuff
  9. 1) youre brake is working badly. More than likely thats because its strapped on using zipties rather than being bolted to the frame lol as for helicoiling, do it yourself, seriously. Peace of pineapple piss to do. Only bad thing is the cost of the kit, near on £20 for about 10 helicoils. But atleast then you've got it and you can rent your services out to others
  10. im out guys Ive got to be in work for 4pm.... bitch
  11. PaRtZ

    New Bike

    I'd choose a megamo over any frame any day. my mod was awesome, and that looked awesome at brimham. Think it was working better than waynio's bike? haha such awesomeness though. I personally wouldn't change the seat though jon, it looks perfect as it is
  12. I want to know how its humanly possible to crack a frame in 20 minutes Only thing I can think is that pete was conned and the frame wasn't new. just re-boxed. seriously, 20 minutes.... Will Arnold was absolutly raping his as was I when I had a go, and its still not cracked. Now davetrials has it.... they last a long time.
  13. Honestly, dx32's (or atleast the one I had) was shit. Worse than a koxx rim.... The kris holm rim is awesome for strength just quite shite for grinds Worth it though just for the strength
  14. "heres some money" *rip* *rip* *destroy* wtf?!
  15. NO thats "two monkeys in a bath, one goes "ooo!! OOO! AHHH! AHHH!!!!!! OOOOOOH!! and the other says "put some cold in then"
  16. ok I've just been browsing my tuorial site and found this... The thing you have to remember is....that this is MODEL and ISN'T real.....
  17. I think the bosses and everyone else needs to open their gobs and ram as many of these as poss in them:
  18. yeah wont grinding it make it explode or something? lol what about it they get scratched and then it rains? I vaguely remember from school magnesium fizzing in water.... lol
  19. Thats got to be the worst excuse ever Mod riders manage fine taking wheels out with snail cams etc.... Don't see how the problem is worse with a stock and if you don't like sail cams, use chain tugs
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