If you've had bad experiances in the past, then its perfectly normal to feel nervous about your girlfriend seeing someone else. If it happened last time, how do you know it wont happen again? BUT thats why you have to be sure you can trust someone enough to love them and give them that love unconditionly. When that happens, your relationship will just get stronger and stronger from that and in the end you'll look back and think "it was stupid of me not to trust her". You defintly cant expect this to happen overnight it does take AGES and in the normality of life, theres no quick way of solving this. I compleltly trust my girlfriend and she completly trusts me too. Everytime she says shes going out with her girl mates, I never bat an eyelid and vice versa. But thats taken 4 years of knowing her and 3 years (off and on) of seeing her. It takes time, but its worth it If she finds out that you think she might cheat on you though, 90% of the time she'll get pissed at you so dont let her see this thread haha