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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. From the looks of it, it appears to be an onza t-pro.... in which case its an ok bike to start on
  2. OK well I went to get my ribos done today and basically he took half a blink at it ad said "yeah nothing we can do" and thats before I asked him.... So to prove him wrong so i can throw them at him tomoz...I did it myself, proving there WAS something that can be done. Maybe its not a good job, but it sure as hell is less painful to me now so it was worth doing. BEFORE: AFTER:
  3. PaRtZ


    so you didn't really pop it you pierced it lol. Thats not so bad... I thought you went to uber-tuck and popped the vein that way ah well, get well soon! Look like your having fun in the pic
  4. My ribo's are slightly damaged.... theres a few scuffs here and there but theres a tear in the sole which means the pins of my pedal are digging directly into my right foot Has anyone had any repairs done on them or resoling and how much did it cost? is there any other recommended soles? thanks
  5. PaRtZ


    Defintly one of my favourite mod riders! Marko is SO DAMN CONTROLLED it hurts! But I've never seen bunnyhops that big before. that is truly immense, and its not just the height but to keep it high enough for a distance Absolute beast!
  6. PaRtZ

    Song Wanted

    hmmm I thought this thread said "snog wanted" Sorry to be useless but have a bump
  7. i like! looks very nice and clean
  8. south of france? pretty quiet out there from what I remember
  9. Ok im gna make up the rest of the story from his perspective: sorry im late! mum wouldnt let me go without finishing the sprouts! Anyway Ie read the replies and yeah ok drinking underage, public place, blah blah blah. But I've been done by the fuzz for asking for legal representation? Thats not fair in my eyes. By saying I want a lawyer doesn't ake me guilty. EDIT: Police have just turned up and raped my hamster! He was only 2 years old too They said they'd let me off for some hamster sex so I agreed. All's well
  10. I only managed to watch it to the end cos of your style and moves. Music was god awful lol but you're riding is mint. serious kudos on the rail stuff, as its been said before was a bit too much there of the same thing. nice tuckage on the pallet sidehop and nicely controlled drop gaps too. very nice just hope your next tunes better
  11. lol if it actually works then kudos to him, but I think its a bit ott just to get more power out of a brake. I mean sure it could probably hold on alot of things, but so do most other brakes....
  12. f*cking awesome! and im not all the way through yet! 1:45 with kenny made me LOL so much! lmao hes a legend So far I love berridges bit, he never ceases to amaze me and tims look very controlled + smooth now too Nice one mike, good edit, worth waiting for, worth downloading Job well done!
  13. PaRtZ

    Help! Pc! Weird!

    i tried both of them poop but didnt change anything. In the end I did a hard reset and its all back to normal now. Helluva weird though
  14. PaRtZ

    Help! Pc! Weird!

    leave my files alone... i was just messing with maya if youre that nosy, ive uploaded it for you didnt work, never mind
  15. PaRtZ

    Help! Pc! Weird!

    xp. Now I cant shut down my laptop !!!!!!
  16. first off everytime I go to send a file to someone over msn, (or indeed that small popup window) it sorts the files by date modified instead of what I usually have it: name Now I've just lost the big blue bar on the left when I open a folder, AND I've just discovered that the icons for "my documents, my pictures, my computer" are missing from my start menu help Before something else goes avg has found no viri
  17. They started with an etch a sketch...moved onto a canvas.....things then progressed to human flesh, happens to us all. its actually supposed to be a giraffe in the serengetti
  18. Im going to swansea in september (Anyone else coming btw? ) and I just want to ask current and past uni students how easy/difficult it is to still ride? Im doing mechanical engineering and I was told the timetable is about 20 hours a week for the first year, so did old students still survive?. as a guide I kinda go biking about 5 times a week for atleast an hour Also what did you do when your bike broke? try to bodge it as much as possible first before paying? second hand ***? chars ill have to say bye bye nwbt soon
  19. im going to preempt and say i disagree. No one knows the future, and that for me is interesting dinosaurs may re-appear
  20. all the rock are rounded. I learnt so much from there, was noticeably better when I got back to welsh natural lol. Plus theres alot of kickers-to-rocks and ramp up slopes which are so fun. I could spend a day riding them, infact I may do If you can find someone ese to drive, it so worth it
  21. thats truly incredible. Ive never seen any of those variations done before. like at the start, that peg wheelie to hang five wow! serious skillz
  22. woah woah woah boy, youre maths is crazy. its 28€ per night per ROOM not per person. and the rooms are up to 3 people sharing. That means you could end paying 8€ per night. 8 x 6 = 48€ = £32 the ferry over, again per vehicle is about £80. Split that 3 ways, it becomes £26. £32 + £26 = £58. Now last time i went in my 1.9 diesel I spent £100 in fuel. Split that 3 ways.... Then all you need after that is food
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