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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. Ive ridden brakeless, pedal less and chainless before. Was fun for a while but then I realised that booning everwhere wasn't as fun as riding normally. Brakeless is quite good, it teaches you not to rely on your brakes all the time and results in smoothing looking riding. and you can gap with brakes but expect to land in a manual and get ready to control it
  2. Mines still bob the horny hobnob
  3. What disc brake is it? If its a bb7 or bb5 then you really shouldn't be struggling to adjust them You need disc brake shims from your lbs or halfords. An average packet has about 10 in, in varying sizes from 1mm to 0.1mm. Use them to space the caliper accordingly. If the disc brake has 2 moving calipers then get it as central as possible, but if it only has one moving pad, get it as close to the stationary pad as possible and slightly touching too. This is so that when the other piston moves, the rotor doesn't bend and you get a really good stopping brake*. Heres a hint for a bb7 i use Loosen the caliper bolts which slide the caliper left and right through the slot hole things. Next using the pad adjusters, tighten up the inner adjuster and the otuer adjuster. If possible tighten the inner about 1/3 and the outer 2/3 so that any adjustments later on are easier to get to. Now the pads should be gripping the rotor tight and you cant turn the wheel. Tighten up the caliper clamping bolts. Now undo the inner pad ONE click outwards, and the outer a couple. This is so you get the effect I mentioned before with the *. And thats it really. The hope mono trial brakes are a bit more fiddly than that but highly rewarding if you get it right
  4. I have two opinions on ours. Firstly they liked the idea. Thought it was good but not as a stand alone, it needed to be part of another bigger event. Secondly they didn't help one bit. They just gave us permission with proviso's of, we need such and such insurance and certain height barriers and certain height structures with first aiders etc etc. The first one we had, they helped us move some obstacles for it, but then they didn't after that. Talk to a member of MAD for better insight + info though MAD is the UK's number 1 trials display team
  5. Well not in a riding sense, but I really think mr aran cook deserves his business to go well! innovative and green, good stuff now back on topic, I think Waddy should, hes pretty controlled and does well in riding and im sure he will get better at riding anyway Also theres a lot of people, and i dont mean this offensively, who are brought up on council estates and similar and have hardly any income from parents, let alone themselves, and still they manage to keep at trials and keep riding and needless to say, they get better. They manage to value trials better than others and will always be attached to the sport and THUS deserve to do well [/scientific research]
  6. PaRtZ

    Select Bikes

    lmao whats he done to it now? isnt that c4 like really really new? phils a phunny phucker, but if you want to argue with him definitly dont do it in person, unless youre taller than 7ft oh and select are just as good service. they just dont have a wider variety of choice like tarty
  7. PaRtZ

    Tarty + Nwbt + Co

    Songs are: Zoot woman - Calmer Edguy - Superheroes
  8. Basically the only place online I've found to sell the is bonthrone bikes. But they charge £1.79 for the kit and £3.99 for postage. So What im suggesting, is if the postage stays the same If people send me £2.50 (to cover postage i.e. a stamp and a bit more for my effort) Ill buy say 10 and send them off, rather than you paying £5.78 just for one If I get more than 10 "orders" Ill obviously drop the price as the postage will be paid for. So definite wanters, please reply here, say if you want inner or outer and if you want more than one please say. PLEASE DONT SEND ME ANY MONEY NOW. this is just a survey to see if its going to be worth doing. If not alot of people need them then ill just get a couple for me. Oh yeah and Ill start cos I want one outer
  9. Well, since your brother alex owns one, why not have a look at his?
  10. try googling bonthronebikes may have it there
  11. That thread kris was this one by davetrials, he may have been drunk when he posted it... Again Im not saying anything incase I get blacklisted in mbuk. Im already blacklisted in "angling monthly" ... I agree deanie, Ashton has got a good point, why shouldn't we teach the next generation like we were taught ourselves? But hes twisted that topic around saying that we shouldn't and let them just fail. If the newbies want me to give advice ill give it them. But if they just want to sit around and look cool then how can I make them sidehop higher, gap bigger etc?
  12. PaRtZ

    Tarty + Nwbt + Co

    well if it helps, that rocked me and will gapped up to, tom tried to jump across, but couldn't with his bike, so he threw it across.... The first time it slid down and landed in the river infront of him, and the second time it slid down the other side of the rock and into the water that side
  13. Yes I agree, I think its a nice idea but needs a video for proof. Also maybe turn the forks @ 90 degrees to maximise performance? Looks a winner! ingenious spode!
  14. fight...temptation....of....sheep.......joke.... in seriousness though, you've hit the nail on the head after that. Its not the same as; but its like peoples shops being robbed or a carpenter losing his tools. Even if it is only 1 bull its still "stock" and in farming its not like nuts and bolts where they are ten a penny. Me personally? hell no The family? Of course it is! I can sympathise with the family for loss of their stock due to something out of their control, BUT there were ALOT more farmers throughout the UK who lost A LOT more livestock to foot + mouth when that came about. Why this family is expecting the laws to change for one is beyond me. Yes its unfortunate but rules are rules, every business suffers at some point.
  15. hahah that was freaking awesome i really like these chilled out "have a laugh" videos and that was a prime example. Nice fancy editing, maybe not appealing to everyone on here, but I appreciate the effort Another thumbs up for the synchronised stuff, always looks good on camera/demos etc. and the riding was qutie smooth too Good stuff!
  16. PaRtZ

    Tarty + Nwbt + Co

    Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  17. surely though that's their job? Thats like not putting a good word about aire valley in about their new deals, good service, new parts etc. Anyway im not a fashion whore, check out my vids to see that. I wear clothes that do the job well, ie in winter I have my technicals tech tee - fast wicking, dual hydrophobic-hydroabsorbic (that the word?) layer and good thermal retention. 3/4, lightweight baggy shorts with lots of room for movement and my ribos, nice and grippy, personally comfy and pretty secure on my feet. If i had money and rode alot in the rain, id get sealskinz socks too but at the moment i cba The stuff I've mentioned ^^ all are different colours and look terribly gash when cobbled together, but they work so i dont care. I bet i look stupid riding a bike with no seat anyway so meh, lets go the whole hog too eh? Adam gave me my ribos on the weekend. Slightly different feel on the inside, but after about 20 minutes I was really used to them. They feel alot thinner than the last ones (even though mine were 2 sizes too big) but still feel pretty grippy The rathcet system seems a bit beefier and the ankle support...well its not really a support, its just like a big bit of paddage to go round your ankle lol. Adam showed me a good way of strapping that on because otherwise it does restrict movement, bigtime!
  18. the kamikaze championship is a dying sport
  19. Blimey that was good! The others are no doubt driving back but what an awesome day! Stan + Waddy pushing out the power moves, Ali riding rocks with no edges, adam rolling over everything, Phil + steve bringing out the smooth moves, Alex giving the rocks some beasting, Will sidehopping like a mother, Tom being a bugger and nailing the moves as usual, and me falling over everywhere hahaha! Got some good footage, will be capturing and editing tonight, Expect a vid in about a week. Thanks to everyone who turned up, hope you enjoyed it and look forward to the next ride! Matt
  20. hahah! i was about to ask the next question from that The song was summer overture. But the only version I can find has a percussion in the background (and thats clint Mansell - Summer overture) Does anyone know who made the other non percussion version? Rich Pearson used it in his "Trapped in a moment" video: Lux Aeterna - Kronos quartet
  21. PaRtZ


    Im pretty sure if you call them up and tell them your current wage and how you shouldn't be paying that much, on your next payslip you will get a reduction in tax (not a refund). I started on the emergency tax code and one month it just drastically fell to a normal rate.
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