Just gone for a shite ride and set off home, im going through a town behind a lorry and its stopping often because its quite narrow and other knobheads are pulling out infront of it. Next thing it stops again, i presume its to either let a car out or one through. THEN a transit just flies past me from behind and the other cars and im think "wtf are they doing?!" Then I look back infront and the lorry has turned the engine off and walked out, NOT EVEN PARKED no indication nothing. So i have to reverse a bit and overtake him. Then I get to a roundabout and the guy infront is going pretty slow, about 20mph. This roundabout isn't tight at all and to my astonishment he decides to go EVEN SLOWER so I have to brake. Now hes started on the inside lane (meaning hes turning off after straight on), then wanders to the outside lane, so i presume hes going left or straight on, but NO he cuts back infront of me and goes right I didn't speed up because I knew that he/she could't drive for shit so I should keep my distance. But im beginning to wonder if theres something I've actually missed out here that says "oh btw, just forget everything you learned and do what you want on the road" And this is just one journey, I've seen so many idiots on the road. Admittedly when I passed my test I was lax, but now seeing some of the close misses I've encoutnered I stick to them so much more but it just takes the piss WHY these people are still alive. any similar stories?