Ive just had the worst day so far at Blacks outdoor shop and its made me ask myself, "why the hell would anyone want to do this for a career?" Im only their currently as Im waiting to go to uni, and engineering firms wouldn't take me on as an apprentice so it was easy money In all seriousness why? Having a false niceness around a shop winds me up more than anything else (I do it myself and I hate it, only when Im genuinely happy am I ok with it). And having to apologise to customers for a faulty product when its not your fault in the slightest, or having to adhere to company rules when its not what the customer wants...and then they get aggressive etc etc. Why do it? And why cant shops be allowed to just be honest and tell people to shove the mark of dirt up their arse without the fear of "trading standards" or similar putting pressure on them. Id imagine that people on here work in multi-million turnover shops and I just want to know what you think about it. Why do you do it? Would you want a career in it? and if yes, PLEASE explain to me why.