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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. jesus, this is hard to belive. all of a sudden.. RIP Oli x x
  2. I've had the czar one for nearly a year. Absolutley no problems with it at all
  3. seriously the BB (90% of the time ateast) is NOT stuck. Its just incredibly incredibly stiff. I had to take a bb out of a 2 year old frame with a 6 foot Iron bar slotted over the end of the monkey wrench I was using. It takes a lot of effort to remove BB's so firstly find a big bar to use before you try anything.
  4. yeah i was wondering that. I don't really want to know if Adam has covered it or not but I hope he has. And yeah muelio, I hope Adam does another one so I can win that one
  5. definitley. Waynes reputation speaks for himself, but its about time Andrei got signed too! awesome rider, look forward to seeing you all next year congratulations everyone
  6. just like everything other attempt, i cant help but feel pessimistic about the whole idea...
  7. I think PaRtZ pads has a better ring to it. If I had a magura, Id love to give this a go
  8. ahh i bought 3 so thats 10 so far
  9. PaRtZ

    Zhi Zm1

    ahhh Ben looks really nice and clean. Maybe you can "test" it at ogwen next week and I'll help
  10. maybe they're for a booster? The order as said goes: lower mount, cylinder, upper mount, spacer, booster, bolt If you're not running a booster then just ignore the spacer/booster combo and you'll find you have the spacers and booster left over. Will still be ok, just possibly not as stiff as with a booster.
  11. or just blatently contradict themselves and think people dont read
  12. lol I thought the same! impressivissimo! looking good
  13. more than likely, 20" wise itll be the t-pro because the amount of times we tell nmc to go out and buy one to start on....
  14. come on! only 3 months to go! I need to book time off etc
  15. problem is you need an mot and insurance to get tax
  16. Just bought a car off ebay for a bargain, and its not got Tax and im pretty sure it's not going to have an MOT and its a long drive from aylesbury to North Wales. So im guessing I'll have to tow it. Now as it doesn't have an mot, and the work doing is going to be hefty on labour me and a friend will be doing the work ourselves so i need to tow it home. but without an MOT, tax and insurance its illegally BUT I found an exception saying that if its on the way to the MOT test centre or a garage to get the work done, and I can prove it, its ok? Anyone familar with this? Would be greatly appreciated EDIT: Ok that ideas gone out the window. Just want to know if anyone else would say the advert isnt clear enough: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...N:IT&ih=008 to me that says thats its still got a bit of mot left but wont pass it again when it runs out. Not it doesn't have one, as he mentioned no tax, surely he'd have done the same for MOT?
  17. Depending on what disc you have aswell, you may need the calliper to be offset, closer to a non moving pad than the other. IE on a BB7, the disc has to gently rub against the inside pad, as when you pull the brake, the outer pad is pushed inwards. Having it too far away from the inside pad causes the rotor to bend and give a really wank brake.
  18. ah yes I was too lazzy to read the next bit Raquelle ticklethighs
  19. PaRtZ


    Does anyone who rides trials read MORE than just the trials section? no What do you expect to see in the mag? me. Not in a big headed way, but I think it'd be nice to see MBUK actually get to grips with more than just the best riders. They're really imaginiative in the office, but it just seems to be quite monotonous. Also theres definitly not as much trials as there used to be, I can't remember the last time that MBUK did a full article on something trials related on equivalent scale as a dirt jump competition or a new record etc. It just seems to be "read this to learn how ashton does 360 drops" etc. Who do you expect to see in the mag? and WHY? More rider related material and not famous riders just "those people you've heard of but dont know what they look like" Then read MBUK and see them and what they can do.
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