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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. http://www.eengoedidee.nl/parsefiles/?type...bmx_video_1.mpg My first BMX video (one with a blue fleece on most the time) http://www.eengoedidee.nl/parsefiles/?type...ame=partz_5.wmv My first clips of me on my trials bike http://www.eengoedidee.nl/parsefiles/?type...name=partz1.wmv First video of just me, on my zona zip
  2. second picture from bottom, if you head towards the camera man, i slipped down all the steps because they were icy.... painful memories... Looking good guys, shame you couldn't come on saturday, was an awesome ride. had nearly everyone form north wales out
  3. PaRtZ

    Partz 10!

    no hes not...he makes a mistake like everyone else
  4. PaRtZ

    Partz 10!

    Yay finally got it together. Like it, its got a nice chilled Mr scruff beat, and a mixture (almost 50/50) of moves and bails. Tried my best ere lads so don't be too harsh on the riding! but as always, glad to hear constructive criticism about the video Download it HERE! Or watch it below if your lazy. Please download and keep it if you like it. It makes me warm inside knowing that I exist on other people's hard drives hahahahahaha Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  5. think this is the second time I've quoted you saying my exact thoughts, praising the Kris Holm rim lol
  6. happy birthday badger :king:
  7. Good job, saved a few bob there for sure
  8. honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was onza but my money's on Brisa.
  9. that was great! so relaxed and so precise. A good mixture of big moves and long lines! I loved the rail ride to gap etc etc section. really impressive the whole thing! Not sure about the hair though, sorry Pete But you look so calm and "at one" with that bike! Keep it up
  10. ^^ lol thats an awful picture of the saddle too lol Looking nice joe!! really nice
  11. x2 (since + 1 doesn't work ) Strongest rim I've EVER had. Not too grind friendly, its a harder material than normal but still really stronger. I rode stupid low pressure with it and it still stayed round for 8 months at least with no sign of damage at all!
  12. Ill donate, just after I get paid/student loaned Nothing better than seeing a project be finished, especially in memory of Oli
  13. OK I've just done some uni coursework on this so here goes: Kirchoff has 2 main rules for working out circuits: The junction rule and the loop rule Junction rule At any junction the some of the current I is equal to 0. This is because there is electricity flowing into the junction (considered positive) and electricity leaving the junction (considered negative). Obviously as electricity doesn't just disappear, the positives cancel out the negatives Loop rule In a loop abcda (Of a closed loop), the sum of the voltage V is equal to 0. This is because of the fact the closed loop doesn't have any electricity input other than EMF sources so resistance will cancel out the voltage given. Now the whole point of these two laws is to find out voltage in a parallel circuit maybe? First step: roughly work out the direction of current. Draw little arrows on the diagram, dont worry if they're not write, it will just give you a negative answer if your wrong Second step: Reduce the number of unknowns. If you draw the diagram in loops, then label each loop with a different I. (like I1, I 2) just to make things easier. Maybe they'll all have the same current, but you wont know till you work it out. If it helps, start from the largest power source and work around the circuit labelling each line with the right I label. Then when you get to a split (remembering junction rule the current for both paths WON'T be the same, because the sum of the paths adds up the current of the wire you came from (might need to re-read that a few times) Third step: Now using the junction rule, you know that the positive current is equal to the negative current so you can re-write one in the form of the other: If you have current A being split to current B and current C, then A = B - C. Change current A labels to: Current B - Current C (or I2 - I3 etc) Fourth step: Now you have to work out the current in one of the loops. In parallel arrangement, you know that PD is the same across the circuit so now we introduce the loop rule Fifth step: If you have two unknowns, I2 and I3 then you need 2 equations to input into a simultaneous equation. This is done by looking at 2 different loops. Label the top left, bottom left, top right and bottom right corners of the circuit a,b,c,d and the crossing in the middle, top = e, bottom = f. From top left it should go a,e,b,c,f,d. It doesn't matter, but thats what I'll use for this Sixth step: Start at a and we'll first look at loop a,b,c,d,a So from a, follow the circuit around until encounter something. Don't forget we're looking at VOLTAGE here so any resistance needs an Ix value accompanying it (5Ω resistor in the I1 loop = 5I1) To save my hands, Ill assume you know about direction of travel and if a voltage is going to be negative or postive, if not, quote me and highlight this bit and ask. Seventh step: So hopefully you have say an xI2 ± yI3 = zV. This is from the loop abcda but we cant sove I2 and I3 from this, so we need to do another loop to get another equation, so do the same step for loop a,e,f,d,a Eighth step: 2 equations: Use youre favourite method to solve using simultaneous equations Ninth step: You should now have values for I2, I3 and substituing back into the junction rule at the start, a value for I1 too. Now you know that V = IR so you have a value of I for each part of the circuit, use another loop method to get from a to c. IMPORTANT (my downfall everytime!) Make sure you MULTIPLY THE RESISTANCE BY THE CORRECT Ix VALUE AND NOT JUST USE THE RESISTANCE VALUE. REMEMBER V = IR NOT JUST V = R! Tenth step: rearrange your answer and you should end up with a voltage. You can check if this is right by going round the circuit in another direction/route and so long as you go from one side to the other, you should end up with the same value. Ill be honest, its been a while since I managed to get that to work correctly, but I pretty much just copied my lecturer's notes onto here. If anyone see's a mistake Ill be glad to know what it is so I know what Im doing wrong Sorry its long lol
  14. *** +1 and biscuits lol jam tampons
  15. lol halfway to 50, happy birthday!
  16. PaRtZ

    Toxsin 1

    That looks REALLY nice for some reason. The red is a nice shade, and its not overly colourful, nice one!
  17. PaRtZ


    my new girlfriend is a christian and shes been raised on the whole, no sex before marriage thing, and its so annoying because shes fit as f**k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love her lotsz!!
  18. im hiding from a pyscho bitch who wants my cock WAYYYY to much EDIT: also im drunk
  19. im working sunday soz bud I really wanna do saturday!
  20. so i got to have a lift with the tards by myself? you b*****d.... Anyone else needing a lift? may as well get EVERYONE out Will can tom + wing come? Ill phone josh tonight. Peeeeeeeete??? Well excited now!
  21. People of North Wales and near by and generally everyone else!! Rhyl ride on Saturday! Im back from uni and WELL up for riding with everyone again! Someone tell Jonesy and Ducko and maybe Bob? and get the tards out too. I'll take another 3 mod riders too if people want (guessing you want a lift alex?) I want to see the progression you've all made! Meet at The Skatepark at 12:00 athough I'll be setting off at about 10:30 to pick people up. Plenty of pay + display car parking about £4:00 for the day? If not by the skatepark then park a bit further down, past the arena Here. Who else is in?
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