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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. PaRtZ


    I thought it wasn't growing a tash, it was simply not shaving for the month? Either way, Im not shaving starting thursday ending December 1st
  2. You got better? How? hahaha I remember talking you out of a suicidal line that time you + sexymike visited NW. Wish you did it now
  3. Seriously amazing. Well done Sam, your dedication over the years shows... Think my favourite line was the tree stump one. So much control over the big moves there...
  4. £2500 for the frame. £6000 for the bike.
  5. Disappointed this has nothing to do with shitting through spoke nipple holes. I envisiged some sort of play-dough machine and a video to accompany.
  6. Yeah Im going back to Uni in September Im afraid. If youre in Denbigh then thats pretty much out in the sticks.... If you can make it to the coast alive though, you're laughing for trials. Jamie and Alex Williams will always be up for a ride on the weekend if you can get towards Colwyn Bay (which is a bit of a trek...)
  7. also: http://www.hellrunner.co.uk/
  8. Clearly a reputable source for a ) Using a word like 'Busted' b ) Multiple exclamation marks Sorry, I didn't bite...
  9. The people responsible for setting up and operating Blackpool Illuminations.
  10. People actually measure PSI for trials? This topic, along with other classics like "How many holes should I drill in my rim" and "I've cross threaded my dustcap, help" really should only be answered as a joke... Who gives a shit how light your bike is, just ride it!
  11. ^^ Yeah sorry for not replying, still the same. My brother has a simlock code on his T-mobile sim, it asked for the passcode first and then went to the insert correct sim message screen, so it is reading it right...
  12. Nope nothing. When I turn it off the same, no clues and theres no badges on the phone itself
  13. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1906917277099
  14. Just done a bit more digging and did a check using CHECKmend which says its basically all good: IMEI isnt blocked, not reported lost or stolen etc.
  15. Sony Ericsson W302 Some of you may recall I had ebay buying issues earlier this month. Heres the condensed version: Bought phone off Ebay, posted to default address not given address (don't live @ default anymore), Ebay dispute opened, Ex-landlord texts me to say he has some post for me, post arrives - this phone, Ebay dispute won - money refunded... So I got my money back and the phone. As I was un-wrapping I was debating giving him his money back (cos im not a dick like that) but that was immediately un-debated when the seller was going to con me over anyway! Read on... The ebay auction said the phone was unlocked. Either that or the phone carrier is a company called 'Unlocked'... So I was a bit annoyed when I put my vodafone sim in and it said 'Insert correct sim'. So I took it to two local places who both failed to unlock it, one said 'its not even on the list' while the other said it was his software compatibility problem. Does anyone know something very obvious like these phones are unlockable? If they are can someone point me in the right direction? I don't even know what network provider it was originally on, except its not Vodafone, O2, T-mobile, Virgin or Orange. Any others to try? Thanks gurus
  16. Youre right slim, people who protest REALLY shouldn't lose rights. But this petition is only against those convicted, ie joe bloggs caught on camera/has evidence of criminal damage/murder etc. gets sentenced THEN loses house. Thats fair IMO. People who were out on the streets IN the riot, but actually didn't do anything (if that actually happened anywhere) won't/shouldn't lose their house.
  17. PaRtZ

    César Cañas

    siiiickk at 5:20, is that the same thing akrigg boosts up, wheelswaps the top, and then drops off?
  18. This needs more views haha. The vid is epic! So smooth and great atmosphere
  19. looks really epic! Surprised at the lack of vibration to be honest!
  20. http://youtu.be/E7Drx9X0BaE BOOM HEADSHOT.
  21. lol well spotted Frame looks like it, but the bars look either old school or wrong...
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