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PaRtZ last won the day on April 15 2013

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About PaRtZ

  • Birthday 05/12/1988

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    United Kingdom

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    Trials, Computer, sleep, sometimes work
  • Location
    Swansea Uni / North Wales

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  1. Time for a bump. Any updates from anyone? Heading to fontainebleu for a week on Saturday. Pretty excited but going with the north wales crushers (V10, V11 boys) so I might get left behind! Also sent my first V9, Fat cat roof on Monday. So happy to get it ticked.Only taken about 12 sessions :/ (sit start, back of the roof. My friend was in the way ) Also ticked my first f7b+, Power struggle. Pretty steep terrain but on mostly big holds. Was quite surprised as I've been mostly bouldering recently... As a shameless plug, Im organising this years Gower Climbing Festival (http://www.gowerclimbingfestival.co.uk/gcf/) so if anyone is thinking about a weekend away somewhere different I can THOROUGHLY recommend visiting the Gower. Beautiful scenery and great climbing (if you know where it is). The locals, and myself, will be about so plenty of local knowledge can be exchanged. I'll be updating the video on the website shortly If anyone wants any information on the latter, don't PM me. Email me at: 438609 at swan.ac.uk
  2. Try driving in B3's - mega sketchy! Dave, how far away from Dartmoor are you? Dartmoor is a bit of a mini bouldering mecca, so if you can get there you'd love it! Have a look at UKclimbing.com - Theres quite a lot of info there, you can search for local centres too. Beware of the forums though, it has its trolls like every other... With regards to shoe differences you're paying more for rubber type (soft and sticky vs hard and stiff (giggedy) ), outer contstruction, reinforcement areas (heel cusps and toe boxes) and other constructino methods that promote performance in certain areas. REALLY, if you're just starting, don't bother with expensive stuff, because a pair of toe-hooking wonders like the la sportiva solutions would be useless to you if you can't toe hook! Get to your local bouldering wall and just crack on. Speak to people (climbers are usually friendly) get advice and beta, learn technique, get stronger, crush, win world championships....etc.etc
  3. Then start! Grab some climbing shoes and chalk and get bouldering at your local centre! You'll never look back Muel imo the easier winter stuff is more enjoyable if you're wanting a mountaineering day out (which I prefer). The climbing is far from scary and difficult on grade I/II ridges. Its really worthwhile when you top out too! particularly in Scotland
  4. Needs a bump. How are people getting on, any new starters? Climbed my first IV,5 in Scotland last week. Was pretty terrifying to say the least Not much else is new for me. Came 3rd in a local bouldering series and my friend now is manager of our local wall. I've made a new video about my latest trip to the Cairngorms. Features Fiacail ridge I/II with some lovely scenic shots. Had some great weather! Anyway, wanted to post it somewhere, so I thought here was most appropriate. Hope you enjoy! Do HD for best enjoyment!
  5. Another bouldering/winter climbing training video. would love to be able to front lever!
  6. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10202739737037767&set=vb.242640715860675&type=2&theater
  7. http://kotaku.com/cafe-girl-with-fake-superpowers-freaks-new-yorkers-out-1442255262?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow
  8. http://youtu.be/iJ6RAhN7WOs
  9. http://roflzone.com/if-famous-quotes-were-a-little-fancier/?utm_source=Umer&utm_medium=fb-Umer&utm_campaign=Umer
  10. I couldn't get that from any of the posts, probably overlooked them. So thanks for that
  11. Seriously Ive been reading all the posts in this topic, and I still want to know why you have 3 brand new frames that you're selling. Please, just answer that. I really want to know. EDIT: Don't care if they're cheap or expensive before you post that one again.
  12. Its about how fast you can bring your legs up to your chest. The rider goes from a 'standing' position (ie legs straight) to 'sitting' (legs bent). It may sound obvious and stupid but MOVE QUICKER! In climbing a dyno is basically a jump. I realised I wasn't getting as high as I could because I was being a bit lethargic and not trying much. I kept moving quicker and actually jumping quicker and lo and behold - I got higher. Anyway As said, fork flex and tyre squash are also pretty useful mechanics because they don't require strength but DO add to the height. Isn't this move also called a pigeon? EDIT: I was taught how pigeon up steep rocks (back wheel off the floor) by THE pigeon master...
  13. I dno... http://www.thisisdevon.co.uk/Man-tried-making-love-ambulance-Barnstaple-bus/story-18137026-detail/story.html#axzz2Ku10WhjP Old, but still funny. Heres the Jim'll paint it of it: http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/886666_168001363353476_1342605340_o.jpg
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