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James Quigley

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Everything posted by James Quigley

  1. This is a little off topic but..... Do you think lesbians should be allowed Dildo's? I mean they made their choice. And a bit more on topic....... Gay - Straight - Bi, this is a trials forum the only thing anyone should be ridding is their bikes.
  2. Go out and ride some sea deffence rocks, if you have the opportunity that is. You can find easy lines as as your fitness builds you just make them longer. I have found that rocks help your endurance and stamina more than anything, plus when you get back on the street everything seems easier. However, if you're like me then you'll hate rocks and so listen to somebody else. Probably haven't helped you but I'm trying.
  3. You must get bored, head out on your bike for a bit. Only kidding looks good, I didn't like the fonts too much, but hey, I couldn't do any better.
  4. Phils snapped on the weld, but that looks TASTY. How did you manage to snap it there?
  5. It's not that big really Si, haven't measured but around 8 - 8.5 foot. I can see what people are saying about the angle but the guy taking the pics doesn't know much about trials and just wanted some good shots. I just want a close up on my face. It's weird seeing how constipated you look when putting effort in.
  6. Thats a fair comment, everyone could do with some constructive criticism. cheers
  7. Nowhere near North Wales I'm affraid mate. Yes Ash it's a GU the Belaey cracked again so I went out and bought a high BB. And although I kept moaning about high BB's I love it now, because it only took one ride to get used to.
  8. Don't ask me the photographer done all the editing, just gave me the images on a CD today. I think he's quite new to photoshop though.
  9. yeah I agree I wish he'd of kept most of them as standard shots.
  10. Hey all, Last week me and my mate met a photographer on a street ride and he wanted to take some pics of us riding for a portfolio of his or something like that so I though I'd post a few up for comment.... more below.....
  11. I got some crap el-cheapo software with my digital camera that made those cartoony pics with one click of the mouse.
  12. Sorry if I offended you, but it wasn't really a serious post. I bow before you and hope you'll be gentle! I did say I didn't care about the extra journey, and if there is going to be camping then my post was void anyways. I was only pissed because I heard there was no camping, so if there is then well done NASS I'll be there.
  13. with 3 litres of kick and a packet of pro-plus you could ride for a week. Problem is after that week was up you'd be on a major come down and probably die of something or other. so is it Sat, Sun or Both for the ride now?
  14. lol, thats not quite how I'd describe him but close enough. Fookin good vid though, this guys a beast!
  15. if it's going to be both days, why not just stay out for the whole time, 48 hour ride baby! joking aside, I'll probably be there guys, either or both days is fine.
  16. James Quigley


    it's usually quite loose. Well every time I've put them on they are. are you using the correct hose, because braided/disc hoses are thicker.
  17. my king skips on the odd occasion, only track standing though and even then it engages again almost straight away, I've had no problems with it not engaging fully though.
  18. Personal opinion is a low BB is better, but with my rex being -5 I think that is a bit too low. And I thought Neil Tunnicliffe hated his high BB pitbull, dont know why it has his name on if that's the case though
  19. Dude, get rid of the blue bash and go red, Personaly I think red and blue clash, especially with silver and black added.
  20. Cheers Adam, Sounds perfect for me, If I get paid what I'm expecting you will get an order from me next week.
  21. Ok, as the title says, I want to know the BB rise of the '05 Pitbulls (average). Please no stupid answers because I know that the +50 version is +50. I want to know about the normal version, I don't want anything stupidly high, even if it's flat it would be better than my -5 T-rex. (short forks) Please Tell Me!
  22. WHAT THE FECK! living on the isle of wight it was enough money to get to NASS last year but add another 4 hours driving and having to pay for a hotel room to that and there's no fooking way I'm going. I say everyone against the change of venue e-mailing the guys who organise it, including any other sports guys you know, I'm sure if they get many a thousand of complaints they'll re-consider. I dont care about the extra journey, but not having the evening atmos will make it sucky. so lets get e-mailing
  23. When it's silent it probably means that thewre is too much grease/ too thick, probab;y will mean bedding it in again. a 20 mile round XC journey should do the trick.
  24. Hey Earsy, the guy who's selling it is a member on here so if you PM him yourself then it would be quicker than going through me. I've told him that you will be contacting him. His member name is Spacemonkiee (not sure on spelling)
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