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James Quigley

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Everything posted by James Quigley

  1. I find Pasta is good at providing energy. Keeps me going a bit longer anyway
  2. I think I have a 185 one of them for the front lying about, if you want it.
  3. ''A T-Rex that has been kicked in the balls'' was my favourite quote about it Would have been nice with a lower BB rise than 80mm (If what was said about it being 80 was true)
  4. Slick tyres off of a Cruiser They do look pretty kool, although 4bolt mounts would be A LOT better. Can't be 35 US Dollars, thats like £20 or less. CRAZINESS
  5. two words.....Giant Caterpault
  6. While you're here Tarty, what would happen if I lubed my King with some 3-in-1 silicon Lubricant (same stuff I use for the seals on my Maggy) It's really thin but I was thinking perhaps too thin.
  7. The hubs ''Loudness'' will vary throughout the market, based on spring tension, lubricant used/amount used etc... I remember when Dave Marshall was on is T-Rex - His king was sooooo quiet it was scary, where as others buzzed along nicely.
  8. Looks retarded........I LOVE it. Nice Chain Tensioner too.
  9. I'm guessing up from the post. Otherwise it's disgusting
  10. DOT 4 WILL wreck your seals. FACT! Synthetic Mineral oil is the stuff I think. Or Water is better than that.
  11. That ''Lying'' one was in An All American Rejects Vid (Dirty Little Secret) - Just for reference
  12. That's not your quote, It's too similar to..... ''People think I've stopped lying, but I've just got better at it''
  13. oh my god I've just been re-introduced to DCD's (Daves Chain Device if I'm not mistaken) They were proper pimp back in the day.
  14. James Quigley


    I was at a party once and my mates older brothers mate drank about 20 cans of Fosters then went to drive home. Ended up wrapped around a tree, no word of a lie, 50m down the road. He had a f***ed leg and got 12months Porridge. Justice Edit: That 50m was meters
  15. Firslty why can't everyone make vid teasers into Pics, instead of 30sec vids. Secondly love the bike, but for a vid teaser was only pics of the bike? Thirdly I LOVE those green kings, that is THE perfect shade/tone of green.
  16. Bit of a Random thread but I'm bored, so I'll post before it's closed ''....Sometimes a man is faced with the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do, and he only misses by one''
  17. But there's no Law against me progressing.
  18. I might have one, just pop round when you're back for the weekend, I'll hook you up. Looks like I'm a camera man for the DJ ride, at least we'll get some footage. P.S. You, Tank, and Phil aren't alowed to progress while I'm healing - It's actually a Law, I've looked it up.
  19. Sorry to hear that dude. Sucks Nuts don't it. I still cant walk (painful) and it's been 6 days.
  20. Update: Three ligaments down the side of my ankle - ones ruptured, the seconds only a partial and the thirds fine. I've been told to not walk on it for 2 weeks, and it could take 3 months before it fully back to normal, gayness. Big thank you to Si Lord, he's been great and I appreciate all of his advise.
  21. I wish I could poop frames
  22. A friend of mine made a frame for his A level tech. Only he cut up about 4 different frames, welded together a contraption and put an electric motor in it. Put body panels on it and the lot, looked sweet, will try and get pictures. Not a useful post but I'm bored - oh and good luck with it.
  23. The internal headsets have cups too, there just internal not external.
  24. Well it felt like it weighed a lot. Maybe my bike only weighs 40g without the rear wheel in?
  25. I've got 5 years on the new system (£3070 tuition) So I'm commuting to save money (still means £15-18, 000 by the end of it) That's life some say stick it out, others get lucky and find a decent job without qualifications, I'd say unless you get a very good offer, stick with it.
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