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James Quigley

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Everything posted by James Quigley

  1. Have Koxx just re-branded there origional Levelboss?
  2. lol, yeah I did mean out, having it in will do no good. Well when my middleburns got stuck on the bb, I full on 'SMACKED' them with a giant lump hammer for a good 15 minutes, they soon came off, although my hand was dead from the vibrations, and my crank arm looked like a squased turd, point is it came off
  3. just ride around without a crank bolt in and it should loosen up
  4. we're or we'll not were, lol sorry I had to do it
  5. h means holes, i.e. spokes, so you were right. you'll need a hub with the same number of holes as the rim
  6. lol, I love you Chris. BAN SPACEMUNKEE! Back on topic, say no to drugs (and pics in sigs)
  7. Audio was a little out of sync for me, dunno if it's pootube or just me? Ridding was good, nice and smooth (the only way you can get away with no music, imo)
  8. Didn't fancy splashing out on Avid Ultimate levers then? lol, I kid Bike looks SWEET, apart from the stackers under the stem, I just dont like the look of stackers personally.
  9. That's a good thing, basically means the bike is good enough for a rider of high ability, so for a beginner should be amazing and last quite a while. Also I havn't heard of any of those frames snapping.
  10. The Adamant A1'a are Awesome frames, made from Aluminium. It's a pretty damn good top level frame, let alone beginner. Edit: After looking at the spec it will be an awesome bike to ride, I'd reccomend the long personally. Brakes are top notch, and the White Industries Freewheels are great. Can't comment on the shop though, sorry
  11. Will you not have the same trouble with crank arm clearance on the Chainstays? Might be something to look into.
  12. ''if you wanna be my lover......''
  13. how do you find riding without grips?
  14. Doooood, check your email for tank vid 2 intro

  15. Q: Where is the Internet? A: The internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks. These networks are based all over the world
  16. Aluminum shouldn't rust. You WILL save about half a gram taking the paint off and it is possible to weaken the metal if you use a really 'aggressive' agent to strip the paint. (I think)
  17. Fast Cat from Pompy to Ryde, IOw is about £12 for a day return. Why do I have to be injured on the first Island Ryde in about 2 years, you're all Gays
  18. I've seen a REALLY cheapy bike (most likely from a cataloge or Argos) with dual front discs (both shitty cable ones) looked like it weighed a ton and worked about as well as pissing into the wind.
  19. Flintstones Condoms - BAM, BAM......BAM
  20. Those taps to front are KOOL! Pretty good riding.
  21. I have asked where the internet is. No reply yet, guess it's a hard one.
  22. I'd donate my bike if I didn't ride (For the right price )
  23. Can I be the winner please? I never posted a vid, but I am already eating a Mars bar.
  24. I might not be able to make it now. Been told to keep of the leg. If I can though I'll just be a cameraman for the day, so I'll want to see some crazy riding going down.
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