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James Quigley

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Everything posted by James Quigley

  1. Brake slip - Landed full force on the back of my head on the edge of a concrete wall (with no helmet) - Bleed for a good 6hrs before being glued. Chain snap to front wheel to balls on the stem (legs in the air still) to snapped front skewer to dog crap on the pedal (was no crap about I swear) Chain snap on sidehop meant knee SMACKING my stem and me not riding for a month. Currently not riding due to ruptured ligaments in ankle (non trials related but hey). Theres a few of mine, Trials is a dangerous sport
  2. Might not be bleed properly i.e. Air in the brake. Try rebleeding it and see how it goes. Are you using water or oil in your brake?
  3. If you already have the hub and rim, just do some measuring (flange diameter etc) and use the calculator on Hopes website
  4. They obviously have money if they can move twice in 1 year I kid ofcourse.
  5. Are you in Add Hardware and not add programs? Just click on ''I have already connected the device'' and then it will give you a list of everything connected to your computer (including procesors, graphics cards and motherboard etc) The items with yellow question marks (?) by them need installing properly, just click and follow the instructions.
  6. should just open that file in WinRAR and double click the filename.exe. Should install the software no probs, did for me anyway. Edit: Do you have a ''proper'' winRAR or a trial version?
  7. Re-Opening discounts, for all of the starved customers, who have had to live without Tartybikes?
  8. Are you using a cable Ash? If so go into the add hardware wizard in Contol panel and make sure all drivers etc are installed correctly
  9. Exactly, we dont want to look as Gay as most skaters (I use the term skaters as people who walk about with a board in thier hands around shopping centres for no reason)
  10. It will become like Emo culture if it becomes mainstream. started out okay, now every 14 year old (male or female) looks exactly the same. Taking this to trials, we'll look like we're only ridding to fit into the culture, not because it's a sport we love. If that makes sense to anyone.
  11. Just open up the phone in My Computer Then go into the memory card bit (something like mmcd, cant remember) Then put the converted file in the videos folder. Works for me on my w800i Edit: MY COmputer - Phone Device - MSSEMC - Media Files - Video
  12. Why the Apple Logo? Only 1 Dengura aswell, sort it out.
  13. That's not just bike porn.......it's just plain PORN.
  14. As above Pre-heat your oven to 200 degrees. Place pads on a baking tray and leave in over for just 5mins. Remove pads from oven (handle with care) and the material should pop out quite easily. The ninsert material snuggly into Heatsink cnc backings. (dap of superglue if you like)
  15. Right Click 'Save As' job done
  16. Take your own goddamn pictures Smo. When Phil got his car he took about a million.
  17. And your brake wouldn't work, the 4-bolt mounts are lined up for a 26''
  18. they are out in other countries, so people get them abroad cheap and then sell them on for profit.
  19. I cant understand why people use any of these. If you wanna talk to your mates then talk to them, i.e. messenger. Saying that I have all 3
  20. I have a HP printer that lets me do it. Just go into your printers properties when printing the picture and look if theres an ''effects'' or ''Finishing'' tab or similar. I think it's called poster printing.
  21. At least you managed to pull a couple of vids out in the last month, so you're bound to be working hard. Feel free to trash me for the sarky comment if it goes badly. I've got a review next monday on a gallery I'm supposed to have designed (Architecture course) better get working really.
  22. I sort of almost slightly managed to do these a month ago, the day I killed my ankle. Firslty I tried the old tap to front wheel and pivot the rear end round. Then gradually started putting the front down later and later. In the end I was almost getting it to two wheel, like has been said above the front tends to land first.
  23. Taking forever to download for me for some reason (25kb/s) By the sounds of things it will be awesome. I only wish I could have made it, bloody ankle!
  24. That's almost exactly what my pashley used to look like when I had one. Loverly considering how old skool they are.
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