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James Quigley

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Everything posted by James Quigley

  1. Don't think you can get just the blades. If you look they are Rivitted in and so you cant get the old one out. (not like a magura with a bolt etc)
  2. It's the 4 on 1 ''service'' that will get people wet.
  3. Spend £1200 on grips and he'll give you a free bike. Sound good? lol
  4. Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End 7/10 Was funny I guess, nut I just thought they were trying too hard and making it well, erm.......Gimicky (for lack of a better word coming to mind)
  5. I hope you guys have plenty of grips in stock, because I get the feeling you'll be bombarded with orders.
  6. I've got these Logitech For the money they are fudging awesome. Plenty powerful for uni. I've never really needed to have the volume up more than 25% on them.
  7. If she actually talks like that it would annoy the hell out of me.
  8. Light grind - Koxx Browns Awesome performance - Unmatched wear rate.
  9. When I got my first one, just go for a good ride for a day, and by the end of it the brake should be working. If you drag your brake down a hill as mentioned above, you'll just get brake fade and it wont work too well, at least mine goes crap when I drag it down a hill.
  10. I didn't think the advice was that bad, considering the guys worried he's not doing enough revision, so instead of revising he made a topic on an online forum. I also said he didn't have to be lucky and fluke the exams because if he absolutely wants to go to uni then A levels aren't the be all and end all.
  11. AC3 Audio codecs always a good one, I found most stuff on my comp played once I downloaded Divx with the codec pack.
  12. I'm 21 soon and spent most of my A levels ridding my bike. I've never been one for revision, only took 2 A levels aswell. Anyway got a B and a C and am now doing a degree in Architecture. Moral of the story is ride your bike, everything will work out fine, P.S. I dont know if it's just pompy uni but if you're a mature student i.e. 21 then you automatically qualify for a place. So screw up your A levels have a laugh for a few years then go to uni and study what you want. Lifes a goodun.
  13. 190 degrees for less than 5 mins. Should get them out nicely. Most pads will then fit straight into the CNC backings but I had to cut away some material to get the Koxx ones in.
  14. Fine....... My mate had some heatsink CNC pads with the Coust inserts and when they wore out I accquired them through careful manipulation and deception. Seriously though he does know, infact he told me he didn't want money for them
  15. I think it gives you a few extra milli-seconds to get your body position and balance just right before you go for it.
  16. Yeas and no, my mate bought them from heatsink with the Coust inserts, when they wore down I ''Stole'' the CNC backings off of him.
  17. I'm not sure exactly how but I hear it's faster if you forward your ports. (Ask Smo on here he sorted mine). Topic shouldn't get closed as you can download legal files via torrents. Also you may just have a couple of seeds active or maybe the upload rates of the seeds is slow, either way have fun.
  19. Keep the Pound. If you want to get rid of something British get ride of the Royal Family. (I'm aware the queens on the pound coin, but my face would be so much better)
  20. It does count just not as a side hop. It counts as a sideways Abubika (?spelling), if your feet dont leave the pedals then t must be a move of some kind.
  21. Judging by the bricks I'd say 18". It's so impressive that you can post that picture and not have 3 pages of abuse for it. Seriously even as a joke it's pointless.
  22. Tell that to Smo, who managed to crack them on almost every weld I could see. And still rode them.
  23. My mate had the cousts in the CNC backings (actually where I stole the backings from) they worked fine for a while then performance seemed to drop as they got older, weird.
  24. People dont like Ash because he does come across as a dick on the Forum most of the time. (sorry Ash but you know it's true ) In real life he's....well.....ermmmm.......
  25. If it helps my mate had the tool and still couldn't get it off. Seriously we had his Vauxhall Vairio? Van parked on the crank arm and we were stamping on an 18" spanner and it was going nowhere.
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