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James Quigley

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Everything posted by James Quigley

  1. TGS is kool end of. Inch pinching isn't because you're always disappointed when you measure.
  2. go for it Although I hate films in RAR files seems very dodgy
  3. I could see the strings
  4. I know you were correct I was just emphasising the word FEEL. No biggy
  5. but it could still be the same height. Also headtube length could affect it.
  6. Koxx Brown Koxx Brown Koxx Brown Koxx Brown Koxx Brown Koxx Brown Ask anybody that rode my bike on Sunday (Portsmouth) it works like a monster, I was even holding taps in the pissing rain.
  7. Me and a mate tried to get a freewheel off by parking a mahoosive van on the crank arm and STAMPING on an 18" spanner to get the freewheel off - Didn't budge. Just letting you know it might be on there for ever. I tried getting my fixed cog off using the wood and vice idea and the wood just exploded. If you need the space to get a thicker chain on (like I did) I just cut the bash off with an angle grinder (leaving a bit where I land on it) then proceeded to bend the remaining bit of bash outwards to give me more clearance. worked a treat.
  8. £11.80 return ticket on the Fastcat (Portsmouth harbour station if you didn't know where it is) That was the price last time I looked anyway. Then just add Train fare if necessary.
  9. Kool story, I'm off out to buy some smoke and sit infront of a police station.
  10. Do it, Come on, Do it! By the way, have you spoken to your boss about not turning up to work on Sunday yet?
  11. Hey so you're the person with the wicked hair (I was the other dude with the S5600) Kool pictures there, apart from the one of me (looks like I'm trying really hard just to drop off a wall, lol).
  12. You seem quite calm about it, I'd be F-ing and blinding, well done you for realising it gets you nowhere. I'll keep my eyes open whenever I'm over on't mainland, I'll suspect everybody with a Stock XTP. Good Luck P.S. was your car damaged at all?
  13. Somebody tell Billocks to eat something. Pics are good.
  14. Ahh yes I can see it now (only looked quickly and thought it was the same as the older one floating around in cyberspace). It's a good idea, but as said there's nothing wrong with a Maggy that's well set up (I only grind about once or twice a year, a lot quicker job than designing a whole new brake)
  15. ermmm...... One slight buckle in the wheel (or egg for that matter) and the brake's useless.
  16. Fat Git! I swear the reason you can ride anybodys bike is because yours isn't the same for more than 6 months.
  17. Managed to take a few shots today whilst ridding in Portsea. Tank going over the bars Manning Tap (kept to rear wheel) Kennard Sidehop Dave Sidehop Kennard Tap Edit: A couple more (just so Ash hasn't got the most pics) Tank Sidehop Manning Rocking the Quater Simon's rare appearance (Myspaz shot)
  18. to be fair when all of the silly little mods he's done are added together and the fact the parts are quite light anyway, his bike must weigh as much as a sandwich. Plus it's not like he's bothered about it breaking, he's just testing a few ideas, ones that joe bloggs couldn't really afford to do.
  19. Nope he'd just replace the pedals. Seriously that bike could only last a couple of rounds of a comp before SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP (Everything breaking simoltaniously)
  20. Looks like CRAZY amount of thick oil on your chain. Prefer the old Czars, however, they don't ride nice.
  21. I stole it so it's all good. Would be weird if someone did steal it then sold it mentioning it used to be Prawns, lol.
  22. Looks the same as every other Czar I've seen at the moment
  23. Lasso tool - Colour/hue/saturation adjustments ? Maybe a bit of brightness/contrast adjustment too. All adjustments once lassoed will be in the menu's up top. Edit: Here's a very, very, very, very quick example.........
  24. Your recent High Def video was pretty cool, so more of the same would be cool.
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