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James Quigley

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Everything posted by James Quigley

  1. Mine weren't staggered so no biggy (set of 4 RC041s) I've never looked into the rareness of the RC042s, though I gather there's not many about. I got the centres shot blasted and sprayed metallic gunmetal and sanded and sanded and sanded and polished the lips. Didn't use any sealant anywhere nd they did well for the 10 months of shitty weather they were on the car for. I'm curious, did you split them using the 'smack it with a big chunk of wood' method?
  2. Not £800 worth of wheels but still nice. I sold my fully refurbed (by me) RC041s with near new tyres for £120 a couple of months ago, just because they were taking up space. Got my M3 wheels on with brand new Falken 452's though (cost me £100 for wheels and tyres) so all is good.
  3. Jarod, DO NOT weld the LSD!! (you did say it had an LSD?) it would be illegal!!
  4. So whens the shiney new M3 going to get a dent then? haha
  5. I would like to take this opportunity to point out that my impression of my late fathers first wife is fairly biased in that I've learnt it all from speaking with my mother.
  6. sounds like you've given her a bit of a free ride so far and trying to take that away from someone doesn't work too well. Also sounds like she doesn't appreciate the money you do spend on her. Now this may seem totally unrelated but my dad's first wife was like that (never worked, always went on holiday with her mates and had a salon day once a week using my dads money) needless to say he met my mother and left this lazy excuse for a woman. People who don't carry there own weight, with anything in general, infuriate me somewhat!
  7. ...because sometimes they take their clothes off and we forget about the annoying traits.
  8. indeed, just the soy! (easy on the garlic though, that crap sneeks up on you if you get too carried away).
  9. Last night I had a simple stir-fry..... Incredients: Chicken, Brown Rice, Carrots, courgette, mushrooms, red pepper, broccoli, onion, mange tout, soy sauce and garlic granules. Method: Chop up chicken breats and brown off in wok, add diced onion and a spinkle of soy sauce cook for 5 mins (start boiling the rice at the start). Add each veg 1 at a time allowing 2-3mins between adding, chopped up veg quite small. each time you add veg give a sprinkle of garlic and a sprinkle of soy. Once it's all in and cooked drain the rice and chuck it in the wok, stir for a couple of minutes and serve. Conclusions: It was tasty!
  10. If it makes anybody feel better, my missus has easily had twice as much cock than I have poon-tang. Does it bother me.....no. Is she a slut......no. Our generation happens to have sex more, it's not a bad thing.
  11. Going back to your 5men and 5 women argument. Lets say they're virgins. 1 of the men sleeps with all 5 women (5,0,0,0,0) leaving the five women thusly (1,1,1,1,1) You can average it out as 1 per gender and get the same result, the problem there is that that's also like saying you lost your virginity because your mate banged 5 lasses, so on average you've lost your cherry. The average should only take into account sexually active members of the population, nullifying the four virgins leaving an average of 5:1. I think figures in things like this can always be twisted to how you want them to fit.
  12. Can I just say, even if it did make it ever so slightly lighter, it wouldn't be enough for the scales they use to register the difference. So ultimately your sweeties will cost the same, but you'd have spent more time fannying about with baloons and compressed helium cannisters.
  13. I started very young. Think at about 5 I was ridding down a hill, one of my earliest memories now that I think of it, and one of my stabalisers fell off, don't think my dad was too great with a spanner. Got home later and just took the other one off myself, I think I had been fairly competent beforehand and the stablisers were just on there for show pretty much. On a related note when I was 3 I had a plastic trike. I was playing in the front garden and decided to go down the sea front on my own (about 1.5 miles away). Came home to find my mum on the phone to the police saying I was missing. Now I don't actually remember doing this but my mum always reminds me of it. Apparently I was very casual about the whole thing and couldn't see why she was upset, obviously I do now. haha.
  14. Can I just point out, not trying to be negative but unfortunately it will be, that if you spend money you dont have, i.e. the banks money then you pay a fee, this is not a suprise to anybody, overdrawn fees have been around forever. It amazes me how people can lose track of their finances. Do you have an overdraft? I rarely go overdrawn but have a £100 overdraft setup on both my accounts just incase I do go slightly overdrawn. I even managed to scrape through Uni with no more than a £100 overdraft. I'm not trying to have a go and I agree overdrawn fees are ludicrously high, but, they serve as a deterrent from spending money you dont have and hopefully next time you'll learn and keep an eye on your balance, especially when it's getting low.
  15. James Quigley


    I'm with Dave here, you shouldn't need a Masters degree in Graphic design to be able to understand and appreciate the 'identity'. Granted with your career and knowledge you done some research into all the hard work that's gone into it but, to be a bit hipster here, you are the 1%. 99% off the people that will be looking at this logo/identity won't research the work behind putting the identity out there, they'll just see the logo dotted around, which is pretty poor, and make judgements based upon that. I think it's too easy for Graphic Designers to leap to it's defence, standing in awe of the big players, when it's only because you are knowledgable of the behind the scenes work that motivates you to do so. Graphic Designers do get picked on a lot by people saying there jobs are easy, which is unfair, but is does make you all quite defensive right from the offset. It's the same in my career, Architecture's full of elitists and, so long as they've done a bit of leg work and shoulder brushing, any design is deemed a 'Statement'. I'd much rather design a public building that the public would enjoy over a building that makes a strong Architectural Statement and wins an award but the public can't make head nor tail of. Just my to pence.
  16. Fruit Booters = Roller Blade Fags if I'm not mistaken
  17. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but, didn't a Nobel Prize go to a Physicist this year for demonstrating that the Universes' expansion is in fact accelorating? Edit: A quick search would reveal I am right, the Nobel Priza was awarded this year for the discovery in 1998 though. I also belive this discovery to help lend creadence to the existence of this 'Dark Matter' or whatever kids are calling it these days........off to search my claims yet again...... Edit 2: *Dark energy
  18. .............and Amy Adams ....maybe I do like Redheads after all.
  19. I'm not a big fan of the Reds but Isla Fisher and Emma Stone YES!
  20. I like to think that, now I'm single again, I have a slightly enhanced chance. Don't tear me down and ruin the dream!
  21. My ex whore called her car Jeremy because the number plate ended in BDL (Beadle) I am not prone to naming inanimate objects though. My car is simply 'The BM' or 'The Tourer' my bike is called 'My Ozonys' or 'My Cannibal'
  22. similar to, but expanding upon, the BMW 328i exhaust system? There's a butterfly valve in the straight pipe, operated by a vacuum hose, that opens at a certain RPM. (or thinking about it, once there is a certain volume of air flowing through the intake).
  23. James Quigley


    Same As Radfax.... Work for an Architect here on the Isle of Wight, for the most part it is boring as (but I deal mainly with small scale residential stuff, so no fancy Cathedrals for me). Pros: - not in the office all day, you get to go out and see some funky houses. - some clients are cool, even some of the richer ones. - chicks think you're loaded!! (although for the most part you're really not). Cons: - dealing with planners and building inspectors sucks - Most of the clients either have no clue what they want or think they know everything - Some of the snobbier clients will not deal with me directly because I'm not 70 years old with a wealth of experience, which is bullshitochen - Surveying in the winter is fooking cold - when working small scale like me it does become a little monotonous.
  24. Here she is boys........... ...................now go buy it Link my b***h up
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