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James Quigley

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Everything posted by James Quigley

  1. My fully comp cover in my own name will only cover me third party on other cars when I'm 25 (Admiral) I even offered to pay extra for that privalige now but they said they cant do it.
  2. Answer.........Dont watch it. I cant stand people that moan about TV shows when they could just change the channel and not have anything to moan about. sorry if that sounds harsh but that's my 2 cents Edit: didn't realise that was you Chris, that changes everything, I'm not sorry, you should know better
  3. Two cases on the isle of wight..... 1 - Some old guy without a liscence was in an auto (used to a manual) and ploughed up a kerb from a parking space, across a pavement and down onto the beach, killing somebody, all that because he didn't hit the brake as soon as he realised he was going the wrong way. 2 - an old lady trying to park reversed 90 degrees up a kerb and into a shop window during lunch time traffic. Stoopid old people.
  4. Woop. tomorrow comes just 365 days a year. By the way if anybody has a spare fun bolt for a king just lying about please bring it. I will pay cash money.
  5. Heatsink bikes - Official sponsors of the front flip
  6. I cant remember but I've done it. go to the nvidia site and see if they've got the programme needed. I'm pretty sure it came on the CD with the drivers etc.
  7. This is what I like to hear, the more the merrier.
  8. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryExellent service, super quick postage and great item description. Everybody deal with Quackers. NOW! Given By: ReverendJQ You were the: Seller Date: 1189077582
  9. Come to Southampton this coming Sunday I'll be on a Pitbull with an orange front wheel and a LOT of creaking coming from god knows where on my bike. I promise I'll be friendly, maybe.
  10. I dont mind a chain stretching, it's snapping that worries me. So if the Half link chains have a higher breaking point then they'd be a good choice. Then again I'm not one of these fussy ''I have to have perfect chain tension'' kind of people. Meh.
  11. This is what's known as a ''Tankle-Tuck''
  12. That's what I like to hear. Sod London, Soton's where it's at.
  13. ''......ahhhhhh, my shoulders dislocated, somebody put it back in'' still makes me chuckle! I wonder why you lost your evening job, maybe because you go ridding in Pompy and just ignore little things like work, lol.
  14. I'm not that bad, infact I told her that you all think I treat her like crap and she asked why you thought that. And anywho, at least I dont bruise her, Phsychological damage is harder to prove
  15. I would have, but have to spend Saturdays with the Mrs. (It's her only day off apart from Sunday, but I'd sooner leave her than stop ridding Sundays, lol)
  16. Thing is London's more hassle to get there and back. We're talking adding another hour to our journey in both directions.
  17. No you noob! That's why I put the date up.
  18. Okay, I need to ride somewhere off the the Isle of Wight, I have no money till next weekend, Been to Pompy too much recently, So southampton it is. Anyone welcome to join in the fun. So far Just me and Tank Smo, Phil, Shay and Chris I havn't asked yet, so this is me asking you. Edit: Just realised I havn't put a time up. Say usual, 11am at the Train station (well the walls opposite).
  19. In the last still was the blood spurting? lol Always wear your lid, that was only a couple of feet off the ground, imagine if he was higher and done the same thing.
  20. cup of stupidly hot 'hot chocolate' and slowly melt in a cadburys caramel bar and drink. Also, thanks to Chris (spacemunkeee), I've discovered bolognaise sandwiches.
  21. A bit over-dramatized in the vid, but hey, get better soon.
  22. No you dont tuck into the frame or seat but your leg certainly comes low over the top tube
  23. Has happened to me, not as bad though, I'd say mine was 50% of that. Only had the brake from new for about 3 weeks done a 7.5 foot gap to front, nothing too strenuous, and it just gave up living. Which is weird because the Avid I had before that one lasted over a year with no problems, I blame those rotors, not enough support to them.
  24. James Quigley

    Xc Riding

    When I say I may be able to swing you a bargain you know I dont work there right? lol. Just that Russ, the guy who runs it, seems to like me and is always giving me money off, even gave me a free waterbottle with my purchase of a £2 bottle cage, as well as a £75 stem for £40. so a full bike I reckon I could wangle something for you.
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