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James Quigley

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Everything posted by James Quigley

  1. Are you asking who was Mark Matthews? Mark used to ride trials and was killed two years ago (I think it's 2) in a tragic car accident.
  2. 10mm doesn't sound too bad. On my old onza front wheel there was well over an inch of slack and the tyre just fell off when flat. However if you pump it up slowly and guide the bead around the rim all should be well.
  3. Listen to the voice of experience.
  4. You can ride the skatepark if you really have to Mowgli. There might be some BMX/skating boarders in the way though, although I do want to try the tap in there. We are ridding Ryde as there is a drop gap I want to try but need an audience, lol. (It's not high just far) Hopefully see people there, weathers looking good so far.
  5. 1 - too close to houses. 2 - too close to road (at a guess) 3 - council will see those trees to be of a "public amenity value" even if they smell. so to cut a long story short I would find another site
  6. you've mutliated a mag rim as if it wasn't light enough
  7. anybody want a spare kidney? or two?
  8. When I got mine I was just expecting a normal tire, but it's AWESOME! I'm sticking with them now.
  9. if it's cheaper than a koxx then I'm game.
  10. the first pic is the origional proto that was made yonks ago (maybe a year). was all I could find quickley
  11. anybody got links to geo info?
  12. Are they looking like the current version ridden by Kenny? If so I'm calculating how to fund a purchase right now.
  13. I have no idea, all I know is I think it's FIT and I even like the hump. Verticle or Horizontal drop-outs - I could take either.
  14. I'm really loving these frames now and was just wondering when we might be able to get them.
  15. sure it's not the postal services fault?
  16. why would you want your frenum pierced? surely that would be dangerous.
  17. I didn't know you could be 16k overdrawn. and my "work" station...... oh andif you're not doing anything demanding on the second monitor you could buy a cheap 64mb pci graphics card for like £20. It's what I done when I first went dual.
  18. I think you'd be really at home on a K-SAS. seriously though was a fun little vid (only I hate rocks)
  19. because it's only been a month? I'm guessing you've known her longer than that or else she seems a bit possessive or psycho for saying you're her life after such a short time frame.
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