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James Quigley

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Everything posted by James Quigley

  1. I thought Sweeney Todd was awesome. And at least you said Ledge (not cool) as opposed to Leg-End (seriously not cool) The songs dont half get in your head though. catchy bast**ds
  2. take the entire BB out and start again. I always put the non-drive side in a few turns then put the drive side/main bb body in. this way the non drive side cup keeps the BB going in straight but doesn't stop it going in all the way. If that makes sense. Once the main bodys in fully then tighten up the non-drive side all the way. Jobs a goodun.
  3. I might be selling my Lacie 250gb one soon. Looks like a large lego brick, lol. Has lasted me about a year and a half so far with no problems at all. (think it may have been turned off for a total of 24hrs in that time period, lol) oh and you can get 1TB ones for well under £200 now. I'm after one as I've filled both my 250 and 300gb ones.
  4. would be almost 1lb lighter with schwalbe tires.
  5. and who's got a pic of pompy as their avatar?
  6. surely the only answer is the three richest guys in the world (no idea who they currently are). Reason: You dont have to have relations to get married, plus you can divorce them and take half the packet.
  7. Here's my strato-dab. sorry no pics of a switch (Pigeon)
  8. depends on the frame but I've never had any trouble with my 74kingz and I've had it on about 4 frames. The Pro II comes with spacers for single speed so the Trialtech ones aren't really necessary, unless you want that extra bit of carbon bling.
  9. Teasers for a full length DVD are acceptable Teasers for a 3-4 min video are not acceptable. (in my opinion)
  10. we're too cool for you guys. that's not a joke, we really are too cool.
  11. I had this problem and went to Tryalls. Now it's all good. Tryalls (imo) are nicer than Echos anyway. Get them.
  12. Wide based cog would be a good idea. Phil (moose) used a standard cog on his King single speed and it started to dig in, not a problem but the fact that the needle bearings inside were disintegrating because of it wasn't cool. Oh and I just rode mine when I first got it (3 years ago) did skip a fair bit mind. Is all good now though. but yeah wd40/gt85 and a toothbrush
  13. I had an Auntie win £500,000. She's pretty minted anyway so gave £200,000 to each of her 2 kids and sharded the rest out amoung family. Think she only kept like £20,000 to herself. Our family got £1000 (£200 each) which is a bonus considering we're not that close.
  14. I can see where you can save another kg. It involves mass mutliation though
  15. I love womens logic. I want to straighten my hair but make it curly, lol.
  16. "certain" hairs are naturally curly, they need straightening and men have valuable things in the way that women dont? is that it?
  17. My halfords foam grips lasted forever. weird. got rid of them though because my hands started hurting, I got in the habit of blaming the grips.
  18. James Quigley


    Lightest Pisspot style helmet will probably be the Tryall one that Vince drilled the bleep out of.
  19. looks okay. Can someone please order a full build from tarty but all white please. white stem, frame, forks, rims, hubs? etc. would look cool
  20. It's just the phrase "tastefully done" that sends shivers down my spine.
  21. a lot of people will kill you for saying that.
  22. I have an unfounded hatred of Ford, so there's my answer.
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