Case in point for many people. Think about it. There was a group of you 'scrounging' around on a dirty floor trying to collect bits of weed. I think the main reason they are 'looked down upon' is that (at least around my way) a lot of pot heads are hippy dropouts with no lives, ambition or personal hygein. You could argue more people die from alcohol, but you have to be aware that there is a FAR greater number of people who drink alcohol over those who smoke weed. So vandalising and smoking weed are your only local pass times? Read a book, write a book even. there are many other alternatives to weed and crime. Dave, Dave, Dave. I can ruin your life if you let it and it sounds like it has. even if you stopped today the damage could already be done. Also you shouldn't really be having chronic pains at your age, maybe around 60+. You've got to see how it affects you if you only feel ''normal'' after a few doobies. Not having a go at anyone (I have tried smoking, wasn't my thing (and no not just once)) just I don't see the point. Spend your money on taking a nice girl out to dinner, then after you've blown a few quid you might at least get some sexy time out of it, instead of sitting with some other stinky sweaty doods falling asleep with your heads in each others laps.