Alright guys, Darrens asked me to give you a "layman's" terms description of what hes done, been talking to darren over the last week or so while he been in hospital just to keep informed of any latest developments, as im sure a lot of you are aware the docs like to keep things fairly vague!! well we he had the results of the mri scan today and the injury is probably as bad as was first feared. its cause the femur has shunted down the leg rather than just dislocating sideways and staying at the same level this is darrens xray and leg shots to be perfectly honest its probable one of the worst they've seen as hes been told by the docs at the hospital and i'd agree its a biggie got to say that he's been amazingly up beat about it all and positive in his attitude. pretty much the attitude that its happened, its gonna be fixed, its gonna take a bloody long time but at least he's still alive and will hopfully be walking in about 6-8 weeks crutchless but with a knee brace the injury has basically ruptured everything that hold the shin bone to the thigh bone this is a knee looking from front on (so the kneecaps been removed so you can see through to the ligaments in the centre (cruciates) so the only thing holding the lower part of his leg to the upper part is the skin!! there is nothing holding the knee joint together all of 4 main ligaments have been ruptured lateral and medial outer ligaments down the outer sides of the knee and both cruciates he's going to have 2 operations first one is going to sort the outer lateral and medial ligaments by replacing them with artificial tendons and then i imagine in about 4-6 months when these have recovered, they'll then go in and reconstruct the cruciate ligaments. the reason they not doing the whole lot in 1 go is the amount of helaing required due to the amount of work that needs to be done will mean he will heal quicker in 2 stages at least by getting the first 2 ligaments repaired he will have some stability regained in the leg and be ok to walk and maybe ride (not trials) in about 10 - 12 weeks..........hopefully!! the cruciates are the main stability function in the knee so until they are sorted his knee can give way really easily so itll be gently does it until then im sure darren will let you know how things are coming on after his opertaion next thurs be thinking of you next week mate!! si